Wedding Flowers Bronx


 352 E 139th Street,Bronx,NY, , NY 10454






Flower Delivery, Florist



Mon-Fri 9am-6pm

Sat 10am-5pm


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Cash, all cc



The most popular flowers among wedding flowers are roses. Roses are unique and symbolize love and beauty. This universally adored blossom fits every style and into every composition and also looks great on its own.


Hydrangea is a lovely and marvelous flower, it embodies modesty, sincerity and honor. It keeps the shape and blends in with different flowers just fine. Its magnificent inflorescences make the composition voluminous and aery while the wide pallet of shades allows using it in any color scheme.


Orchid is an exotic flower, a symbol or aristocracy and refinement. Its interesting appearance perfectly complements the complex and intricate image of the bride and will become the original decoration of the entire wedding.


Ranunculus in the bridal bouquet symbolize the reciprocity and harmony of the two people getting married. Composition with them will fit any wedding dress perfectly.


Take advantage of our advice on creating a wedding bouquet and make a unique and symbolic floral composition.



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