LOGOS LEGAL Mag. Anton Becker LL.M. (Chinese Law)


 Grillparzerstraße 14/IE (2. Stock), , 1010



"Logos Legal is a Vienna-based law firm specializing in family law. Led by Mag. Anton Becker, LL.M. (Chinese Law), the firm offers meticulous and compassionate legal advice in areas such as divorce, alimony, custody, visitation rights, division of assets, and inheritance law.
Mr. Becker established his own practice in 2009 and has extensive experience in corporate law as well as marriage and family law. His clients value his excellent English skills and his calming personality, which is particularly beneficial in stressful situations such as divorces."

Contact Us:

Grillparzerstraße 14/IE (2. Stock) 1010 Wien



[email protected]

Monday thru Friday 9am to 6pm

anwalt, attorney, family law, familienrecht, erbrecht, sorgerecht, custody, scheidungsanwalt, divorce lawyer

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