- Modern Day Upholstery Shop
- Modern Refinishing & Antiques
- Modern Woodworking Co
- Mon's Furniture Restoration
- Mona Lisa Furniture Refinish
- Moonlite Upholstery & Refinish
- Moran Refinishing Inc
- Mort's Furniture Restoration
- Mortimer Lapointe Antique
- Moser Refinishing
- Mr Touch Up
- N Furniture Clinic
- Naiser Antique Restoration
- Naples Handcarving
- Natural Wood Products
- Neil's Furniture Svc
- Nic Of Time
- Nicholas L Potts Antiques
- Norred's Antique Refinishing
- North Florida Svc
- North's Furniture Restoration
- Northwest Furniture Svc Inc
- Nu-Art Upholstery
- Nu-Finish Furniture Restoratn
- Oak Tree
- Oak Tree
- Oak Tree
- Old Kentucky Restorations
- Omni Furniture Refinishing Inc
- On Site Antique & Furniture
- Other Place
- Owen Woodworking
- P H Odom Furniture Co
- P M Causer Painting Contractor
- Paar Furniture Repair
- Pablo Lopez Finishing
- Pace's III Patio Furniture Rpr
- Packard Woodworking
- Packrat Antiques
- Painted Attic
- Paragon Furniture Restoration
- Paragon Furniture Restoration
- Parker's Furniture Restoration
- Party Line Antiques
- Patio Furniture Hospital
- Patio Furniture Restoration
- Patio Furniture Svc & Supplies
- Paul Ihasz Co
- Pavon Finish
- Pekin Furniture Stripping
- Period Furniture Restoration
- Perry's Furniture Refinishing
- Personal Furniture Svc Inc
- Peter's Chair Re-Caning
- Peters Lumber Co Inc
- Petersen Restorations Inc Shop
- Phelps Furniture Stripping
- Phenicie Furniture Restoration
- Phenicie's Furniture Rstrtn
- Phoenix Upholstering & Rfnshng
- Pitstick Stripping & Refinish
- Pleasantview Antiques & Refin
- Pleasantview Antiques & Refin
- Plummer's Woodworks
- Premier Leather & Fabric Care
- Prestige Furniture
- Price Works
- Professional Furniture Care
- Professional Furniture Repair
- Professional Furniture Repair
- Profusion Leather Repair
- Pyka's Complete Furniture
- Pyka's Complete Furniture
- Quality Finishes
- Quality Furniture Refinishing
- Quality Furniture Repairing
- Quality Furniture Restoration
- Quality Leather Repair
- Quality Restoration-Fine
- Quick Repair Refinishing
- R & C Furniture Stripping
- R & C Furniture Stripping
- R & R Furniture Repair
- R & R Furniture Svc
- R C Furniture Restoration
- Rad's Furniture Refinishing
- Ragsdale's Wood & Furniture
- Rainbow Isle Restoration
- Rainbow Refinish Inc
- Randel Wallace
- Randy Parvu's Furniture Repair
- Randy's Furniture Refinishing
- Randy's Renovations
- Ray's Custom Finish
- Red Roof Refinishing
- Reed Woodcraft Shop
- Reeves Furniture & Refinishing
- Refinishing Shop
- Refinishing Touch
- Refinishing Touch
- Refinishing Touch LTD
- Refinishing Workshop
- Regal Refinishing
- Regenerations Woodwork
- Reilly's Patio Furniture Rpr
- Reliable Furniture Repair
- Reliable Furniture Repair
- Renaissance Shop
- Rene's Furniture Clinic & Svc
- Renovation & Restoration Co
- Renovation & Restoration Co
- Renovation Depot
- Repair All Plus Inc
- Ressurections
- Restablish Furnitures
- Restoration Shop
- Restoration Shop
- Restoration Society
- Restoration Workshop
- Restorations By Simmons
- Restorit
- Richard Farmer Furniture Shop
- Richard Strong's Furniture
- Riche's-The Final Touch Inc
- Riverland Refinishing Co
- Robert Thomas Jr Furniture
- Robinson's Furniture Restore
- Rock Creek Refinishing
- Rockford Finishing Co
- Rodney Moss
- Rodrick's Furniture Rfnshng
- Rojas Furniture Restoring
- Ron's Furniture Repair
- Ron's Furniture Repairs
- Ron's Furniture Repairs LLC
- Ross Refinishing
- Roswell Furniture Restoration
- Rowe & Co
- Rund Enterprises
- Rund Enterprises
- Ryan's Restorations
- S K Furniture Repair
- Sand & Deliver
- Sandt Refinishing
- Sanford Strapping
- Santiago Refinishing
- Satin Touch Furn & Refinishing
- Savard's Stripping & Rstrtn
- Savick's Heritage Woodwork
- Savoir-Faire Decorative Finish
- SBS Enterprises
- Schoenbauer Furniture Rstrng
- Schoenbauer's Restorations
- Seamon Restoration
- Second Chance
- Second Time Around
- See Restorations
- Shamp Furniture Finishers
- Sherman's Furniture Rfnshng
- Shop
- Shumaker Furniture Svc
- Sigmund Rug & Furniture Clean
- Simmons Refinishing
- Simple Solutions
- Simple Solutions
- Smania Furniture Finishing Co
- Smitty's Upholstery
- Solomon Antique Restoration
- Southern Furniture Artist
- Southern Transit Repair Inc
- Southland Group
- Spruce It Up
- Stampley Furniture Repair
- Stan's Furniture Upholstery
- Staples Woodworking
- Star Furniture Refinish
- Star Furniture Refinish
- Star Patio Furniture
- Steve's Furniture Svc
- Stilus Corp
- Stilus Corp
- Stoll's Studio Inc
- Strang Piano Svc
- Strickland Upholstery
- Strictly Custom
- Strip It Bare
- Strip It Bare
- Strip Joint Inc
- Strip Joint Inc
- Strip Shop
- Strip Shop
- Strip Shop
- Strip Shop
- Strip Shop
- Strip Shop
- Strip Shoppe
- Strip-Ease Refinishing
- Strip-N-Save Furniture
- Strip-Rite
- Stripped-Ease
- Stripping Solution
- Striptique
- Studio Of Fine Furniture
- Summers Furniture Restorations
- Sunbrite Outdoor Furniture
- Sunshine Furniture Svc
- Superior Furniture Restoration
- Susan's Wood & Furniture
- Susan's Wood & Furniture
- Swiss Woodwork
- T Collas
- T T Furniture Repair
- Ted's Furniture Refinishing
- Ted's Furniture Refinishing
- Third Generation
- Thomas Anthony Furniture Svc
- Three R Artisans
- Thweatt Furniture Co
- Tibbetts Refinishing
- Todd's Custom Powder Coating
- Tom Simon Furniture Repair
- Tomey's Refinishing Inc
- Tomlinson Furniture Rfnshng
- Tony's Five Star Furniture
- Top Notch Furniture Rfnshng
- Touch Up Dept Inc
- Touch Ups By John Caira
- Tousey's Old Furniture Repair
- Tow Path House
- Town & Country
- Trader Jack Design
- Tradition Furniture Rstrtn
- Traditions Furniture Inc
- Tri City Repair Inc
- Tri-State Furniture Refinish
- Troyer's Furniture Restoration
- Tuscany Furniture Repair
- Tuscany Furniture Repair
- Twilight Zone Design
- Ultimate Furniture Repair
- Ultimate Service
- Ultrafinish
- Unicor USA Inc
- Unique Furniture Refinishers
- Unique Touch Furniture
- Unpainters
- Valley View Furniture
- Victorian Rose Furniture
- Vigue's Furniture Restorations
- Village Strippersmith
- Vince's Country Furniture
- Vince's Furniture Svc
- Vince's Furniture Svc
- Vintage Furniture
- W S Aero Research Inc
- W W Refinishing
- Wachter's Chair Caning & Frntr
- Wagon Wheel Antiques Inc
- Ward Furntiure Restoration
- Warner's Furniture Refinishing
- Watson Furniture Svc Inc
- Wayne Walker Refinishing
- Wayne Walker Refinishing
- Wayne Walker Refinishing
- Wayne's In Home Furniture Rpr
- Weathersby Furniture Repair
- Weathersby Guild
- Weathersby Guild Chicago
- Wedgewood Shop
- Wendy's Furniture Refinishing
- White Sands Beach Svc Inc
- Whitley's Furniture Clinic
- Wicker & Woods
- Wicker Artist
- Wilhelm's Rattan Inc
- Will Hunter Fine Furniture
- Williams Furniture Repair Inc
- Wood Connection
- Wood Doctor
- Wood Doctor's Shop & Antq Mall
- Wood Doctor's Shop & Antq Mall
- Wood Doctors Repair & Rstrtn
- Wood Revival
- Wood Shed
- Wood Solutions
- Wood Unlimited Inc
- Wood Works Inc
- Wood-Stock Shop
- Woodcare Co
- Woodco Refinishing & Supply
- Woodcraft Custom Designers
- Woodmasters-Florida Furn Rpr
- Woodpecker Furniture
- Woodpride Hand Stripping
- Woodworks
- Woodworks Of Distinction
- Woodworks Unlimited
- Woody's Refinishing Svc
- Workshop
- Worth Restoration