- Judson College
- K 9 University
- K Albertson Intl
- K-State Alumni Assoc
- Kahl Educational Ctr
- Kankakee County Extension Univ
- Kansas City College Bible Schl
- Kansas City Community College
- Kansas State Univ Salina Clg
- Kansas State University
- Kansas State University
- Kansas State University
- Kansas State University
- Kansas State University
- Kansas State University
- Kansas State University
- Kansas State University
- Kansas State University
- Kansas State University
- Kansas State University
- Kansas University
- Kansas University Of Amini KK
- Kansas University-Battenfeld
- Kansas University-Corbin Hall
- Kansas University-Douthart
- Kansas University-Ellsworth
- Kansas University-Grace
- Kansas University-Hashinger
- Kansas University-Ku
- Kansas University-Lewis Hall
- Kansas University-Mccollum
- Kansas University-Miller Hall
- Kansas University-Pearson
- Kansas University-Pearson
- Kansas University-Sellards
- Kansas University-Shenk
- Kansas University-Stephenson
- Kansas University-Watkins
- Kansas Wesleyan University
- Kapiolani Community College
- Karma's Christian Academy
- Kaskaskia College
- KCC Ounce Of Prevention
- Keiser Career College
- Keiser College
- Keiser College
- Keiser College
- Keiser College
- Keiser College
- Keiser College
- Keiser College
- Keiser College Continuing
- Keller Graduate School Of Mgmt
- Keller Graduate School Of Mgmt
- Keller Graduate School Of Mgmt
- Keller Graduate School Of Mgmt
- Keller Graduate School Of Mgmt
- Keller Graduate School Of Mgmt
- Kennesaw State University
- Kennesaw State University
- Kentucky Cancer Program
- Kentucky Christian College
- Kentucky Council-Economic Ed
- Kentucky Mountain Bible Clg
- Key College
- Kingdom College Of Natural
- Kingsway Christian College
- Kirkwood College Auto Tech Ctr
- Kirkwood Community College
- Kirkwood Community College
- Kirkwood Community College
- Kirkwood Community College
- Kirkwood Community College
- Kirkwood Community College
- KNOX College
- KNOX College
- KNOX College Biological Field
- KNOX College Biological Field
- KNOX-Lincoln County Extension
- Krane Academy-Motion Pictures
- KS State Univ-Animal Science
- KS State University
- KS State University
- KSU Harvey Cty Exp
- KSU/Ft Riley Office
- LA Agricultural Education
- LA Grange College
- LA Grange College
- LA Grange College Natatorium
- LA State Univ Fire & Emrgncy
- Labette Community College
- Lacrosse University
- Lahairoi Bible College
- Lahairoi Bible College
- Lake City Community College
- Lake City Community College
- Lake City Community College
- Lake City Community College
- Lake Forest College
- Lake Land College-Cosmetology
- Lake Land College-Cosmetology
- Lake Sumter Community College
- Lake-Sumter Community College
- Lake-Sumter Community College
- Lakeland College Ext Ctr
- Lakeland College Ext Ctr
- Lakeland College Ext Ctr
- Lakeland College Ext Ctr
- Lakeshore University Park
- Lakeside Laboratory
- Landmark Education Corp
- Lanier Technical College
- Laureate Training Ctr
- Law Center
- Le Cordon Bleu Clg-Culinary
- Le Cordon Bleu College
- Lees College
- Leeward Community Cllg Waianae
- Leeward Community College
- Legal Studies Institute
- Lesley College Graduate School
- Lewis Clark State College
- Lewis University
- Lewis-Clark State College
- Lewis-Clark State College
- Lexington Community College
- Lexington Community College
- Lexington Theological Seminary
- Liberal Arts School
- Liberty Baptist Bible College
- LIFE Intl College-Theology
- Life University
- Lincoln Christian College
- Lincoln Christian College
- Lincoln College
- Lincoln College
- Lincoln Land Community College
- Lincoln Land Community College
- Lincoln Land Community College
- Lincoln Marti
- Lincoln Memorial University
- Lincoln Trail College
- Lincoln Trail College
- Lincoln Trail College
- Lincoln Trail College
- Lincoln Trail College
- Lincoln Trail College
- Lindenwood University
- Lindsey Wilson College
- Lindsey Wilson College
- Logos University
- Loras College
- Louisiana Baptist University
- Louisiana College
- Louisiana Missionary Baptist
- Louisiana State Univ Bursar
- Louisiana State Univ Credit
- Louisiana State University
- Louisiana State University
- Louisiana State University
- Louisiana State University
- Louisiana State University
- Louisiana State University
- Louisiana State University
- Louisiana State University Ext
- Louisiana State University Sys
- Louisiana Tech University
- Louisiana Technical College
- Louisiana Technical College
- Louisiana Technical College
- Louisville Bible College
- Louisville Presbyterian Smnry
- Loyola Athletic Department
- Loyola University
- LSU English Language
- Luther Bible College Book Str
- LUTHER College
- Luther Rice Bible College
- Lynn University
- Macmurray College
- Macmurray College
- Macomb Extention Ctr
- Macon College
- Macon State College
- Macon State College
- Macon State College
- Madison County Extension Svc
- Madisonville Community College
- Madisonville Community College
- Maharishi School Of Vedic
- Maharishi University Of Mgmt
- Maimonides University
- Maine College Of Art
- Maine Maritime Academy
- Maine Photographic Workshops
- Manatee Community College
- Manatee Community College Drvr
- Manchester College
- Manhattan Christian College
- Manna Christian Missions Inc
- Maranatha Bible College
- Margate School Of Beauty
- Marharish Vedic Medicine
- Marian College
- Marian's Adult Programs
- Marine Institute-Univ Of Ga
- Marshalltown Community College
- Martin University
- Masters Divinity School
- Maui Community College
- Maui Community College
- Maysville Community College
- Maysville Community College
- Maywoods Lodge
- Mc Creary Campus
- Mc Creary Ctr CAMPUS/Scc
- Mc Kendree College
- Mc Kendree College Kentucky
- Mc Neese State Univ Foundation
- Mc Neese State University
- Mc Neese State University
- Mc Pherson College
- Mc Sweeny's School-The Prfrmng
- Med Ctr School Of Rad Tech
- Med Ctr School Of Rad Tech
- Medical & Business School
- Mercer University
- Mercer University
- Mercer University Douglas
- Mercer University School-Law
- Mercy College-Health Sciences
- Mercy St Lukes Schl-Radiologic
- Methodist Medical Ctr-Illinois
- Methodist Medical Ctr-Illinois
- Metropolitan Community College
- Metropolitan Community College
- Miami Dade Resident College
- Miami Intl Univ Of Art
- Miami Shores/Barry University
- Miami-Dade College
- Miami-Dade Community College
- Miami-Dade Community College
- Miami-Dade Community College
- Miami-Dade Community College
- Miami-Dade Community College
- Michel Student Ctr
- Michel Student Ctr
- Mid-America Nazarene Univ
- Mid-Continent College
- Midcoast Senior College
- Middle Georgia College
- Middle Georgia College
- Midway College
- Midway College
- Midwestern School-Evangelism
- Mitchell & Mitchell Psychology
- Monmouth College
- More Than Conquerors School
- Morehead State University
- Morehead State University
- Morehead State University
- Morehead State University Ctr
- Morehead State University Ctr
- Morehouse Chivers Grant Inst
- Morehouse College Upward Bound
- Morehouse School Of Medicine
- Morehouse School Of Religion
- Morningside College
- Morris Brown College
- Mount Mercy College
- Mountain State University
- Murray State Henderson Campus
- Murray State University
- Murray State University
- Murray State University
- Murray State University
- Murray Technology Ctr
- Murray University Farm
- Muscatine Community College
- Naples Renaissance Academy
- National Bible College
- National Children's College
- National College Of Business
- National Institute-Aviation
- National Louis University
- National School Of Technology
- National School Of Technology
- National Undersea Research Ctr
- NCK Technical College
- Neosho County Comm College
- Neosho County Community Clg
- NETSMART University
- New Acropolis Cultural Assn
- New College Foundation
- New College Of Florida
- New Creations Bible College
- New England Bible College
- New England Tech
- New Hampshire College Brnswck
- New Orleans Baptist Seminary