- Gurnee Cinema
- Gwinnett Place Cinema
- Habersham Hills Cinemas 6
- Hairston Cinemas
- Hamburg Stadium 16
- Harbor Theatre
- Harem Movie Theater
- Harlan Theatre
- Harmonie Haus Cinema
- Harvest Moon Drive-In Theatre
- Harvest Moon Drive-In Theatre
- Hi Lite Drive In
- Hickory Point Twelve Theatres
- High Springs Community Theatre
- Highland 7 Cinema Movie Info
- Highland Park Theatre
- Highland Theater
- Hippodrome State Theater
- Hippodrome Theater
- Historic State Theater Complex
- Holcomb Woods 6 Cinema
- Holiday Drive-In Theatre
- Holiday Square Cinema 12
- Holiday Square Cinema 6
- Holland Plaza 4 Theatre
- Hollywood 20 Cinemas
- Hollywood Cinemas
- Hollywood Cinemas 9
- Hollywood Eighteen Theatres
- Hollywood Pro Sound & Cinema
- Hollywood Theater
- Hollywood Theatres 14
- Home Center 6
- Home Cinema & Hi Fi
- Home Cinema Solutions
- Home Theater Productions
- Hoosier Theater
- Hoyts Bangor Cinema 10
- Hoyts Brunswick Cinena Ten
- Hoyts Cinema Augusta 10
- Hoyts Cinemas
- Hoyts Construction Inc
- Hualalai Cinemas
- Humota Theatre & Home Video
- Huntington 7 Theater
- Huntington Drive-In Theatre
- Hytech Theater
- Ice House Theatre
- Idan-Ha Theatre
- Imax Dome Theater
- Imax Dome Theater-Sci Port
- Imax Naval Aviation Memorial
- Imax Pilates Studio
- Imax Polynesia
- IMAX Theater
- Imax Theater
- Imax Theater 2
- Imax Theatre
- Imax Theatre
- IMAX Waikiki
- Improv Comedy Theater
- Independence Cinemas
- Indiana Theatre
- Industrial Theatre Svc
- Innovative Home Theaters
- Inspirational Musical Theater
- Inter Action Theater
- Interstate Amusement Inc
- Interstate Six Theaters
- Intracoastal Cinema
- Iola Cinema I & II
- Iowa Theatre
- Iowa Theatre
- Iowa Theatre
- Irving Theater Foundation
- Isis Theatre
- Island Cinema
- Island Cinemas
- Island Seven Theatre
- Jackson Park Cinema
- Jafa Blue Moon Theatre
- Jarvis Theatre
- Jasper Cinema
- Jerome Cinema
- Jerome Cinema
- Jesup Drive-In Theatre
- Jones County Cinema
- Joy-Lan Drive-In & Swap Shop
- Judy Drive In Theatre
- Kaahumanu 6 Theatres
- Kailua Theatre
- Kailua Theatre
- Keauhou 7 Cinemas
- Keauhou Theatres
- Kendall 10 Theater
- Kendall 10 Theater
- Kendall 10 Theater
- Kendall 10 Theater
- Kendall Town & Country 10
- Kent Theatre
- Kentucky Theater Project Inc
- Kentucky Theatre
- Kenwood Drive In Theatre
- Kenworthy Performing Arts Ctr
- Kerasotes General Office
- Kerasotes Movie
- Kerasotes Theaters
- Kerasotes Theaters Bus Line
- Kerasotes Theatres
- Kerasotes Theatres
- Kerasotes Theatres Cinema 4
- Kerasotes Theatres Inc
- Kerasotes Theatres Inc
- Key Cinemas
- Key Twin Cinema
- Keystone Cinemas
- Kilauea Theater & Community
- Kilauea Theater & Community
- King Theatre
- King Theatre
- King's Cinemas Corporate
- Kingman Theatre
- Kings Bay Cinemas
- Kress Cinemas
- Kress Cinemas
- Kukui Grove 4 Cinemas
- Kukui Mall 4 Theatres Kihei
- LA Place 7 Theatre
- LA Porte Cinema Quad
- Lafayette Square Cinemas
- Lafitte Cinema
- Lahaina Cinemas
- Laie Theatre
- Lake Mary 8
- Lake Side Cinema
- Lake Square 12
- Lake Theatre
- Lake Walden Cinemas
- Lakeshore 4 Theatre
- Lakeshore Mall Theatres
- Lakeside 18 Cinemas
- Lamphouse Theatre
- Lamphouse Theatre
- Lanai Theatre
- Landmark Renaissance Cinema
- Landmark Starlite Drive-In
- Las Mascaras
- Le Jeune Ctr
- Le Petit Theatre-Vieux Carre
- Le Theatre Desbon Temps
- Leavitt Theatre
- Lee Hills Cinema Six
- Lee Hills Cinema Six
- Lee May Enterprises
- Leeward Camera Systems
- Lefont Theaters
- Lefont Theatres
- Lefont Theatres
- Legacy 3 Theatres
- Legacy Cinema
- Leisure Time Cinema
- Liberty Cinemas
- Liberty Hall
- Liberty Theater
- Liberty Theater
- Liberty Theater
- Liberty Theater
- Liberty Theater
- Liberty Theatre
- Liberty Theatre
- Liberty Theatre
- Lincoln Cinema's
- Lincoln Cinema's
- Lincoln Theater Inc
- Lincoln Theatre
- Lincoln Theatre
- Lincolnshire Stadium 20 & Imax
- Linden 3 Theatres
- Lindo Theatre
- Linton Cinema-3
- Linway Plaza Cinema
- Little Theatre
- Little Theatre Of NSB Inc
- Loews Cineplex
- Loews Cineplex
- Loews Cineplex Cherry Tree
- Lorraine Theatre Cinema 2
- Lory Theatre
- Lory Theatre
- Lyric Theatre
- Lyric Theatre
- Mac's Drive In
- Mad Cow Theatre
- Magic Johnson Theatres
- Magic Latern Cinema
- Magnolia Home Theater
- Maiden Alley Cinema
- Main Street 3
- Main Street Cinema
- Main Theater
- Maine Coast Mall Cinemas
- Maine International Film
- Maine State Music Theatre
- Mainstreet Theatres Inc
- Majestic Cinema
- Majestic Theatre
- Majestic Theatre
- Makalapua Stadium Cinemas
- Makalapua Stadium Cinemas
- Malco Cinema Twelve
- Malco Theatres Inc
- Mall 4
- Mall 8 Theaters
- Mall 8 Theatre
- Mall Cinema
- Mall Cinema 7
- Mall Eight Theatre
- Mall Of The Americas 14
- Mar Theatre
- Marco Island Players
- Marco Movie Theatres
- Marcus Theatres
- Marianna Twin Cinema
- Marianne Theater
- Marion Theatre
- Marquee Cinemas
- Marquee Theatre Co
- Martin Theatre
- Martin Triple Theatre
- Martin Triple Theatre
- Martin Twin Theatre
- Marvel Theatre-Cinema 1 & 2
- Masters 7 Cinemas
- Mattoon Showplace 8
- Maunaloa Town Cinemas
- Maysville Cinema 4
- Mc Henry Downtown Theatre
- Mc Henry Downtown Theatre
- Melinda Jackson
- Melody Drive In Theatre
- Merchants Crossing 16 Theatres
- Merle Hay Mall Cinema
- Metro Entertainment
- Metropolitan Theatre
- Miami Beach Film Society
- Miami Globo Theater
- Miami Light Project
- Miami World Theater
- Mid-State Cinema I & II
- Mid-Way Drive-In Theatre
- Midtown Arts Cinema
- Midtown Cinema 3
- Midway Drive-In Theatre
- Milbridge Theatre
- Miracle Theatre
- MNM Theatres
- Monon Theatre
- Monty's Magic Theater
- Mooresville Cinema
- Mooresville Cinema
- Morrison Co
- Morton Cinema
- Motor Vu Drive In
- Motor-Vu Drive Inn Theater
- Moultrie Twin
- Mounds Mall
- Mousetrap Puppet Theater
- Movie Bank
- Movie Beam
- Movie Center
- Movie Facts
- Movie Facts Inc
- Movie Gallery
- Movie Gallery
- Movie Gallery
- Movie Gallery
- Movie Gallery
- Movie Gallery
- Movie Gallery
- Movie Gallery
- Movie Gallery
- Movie Gallery
- Movie Gallery
- Movie Gallery
- Movie Gallery
- Movie Gallery
- Movie Gallery
- Movie Gallery
- Movie Gallery
- Movie Gallery
- Movie Gallery
- Movie Gallery
- Movie Gallery
- Movie Gallery
- Movie Gallery
- Movie Gallery
- Movie Gallery
- Movie Gallery
- Movie Gallery