- Ronan School District Supt
- Ronda Clingman Elementary Schl
- Ronzone Elementary School
- Room To Bloom Community Child
- Roose Elementary School
- Roosevelt 9th Grade Academy
- Roosevelt Avenue Elem School
- Roosevelt Child Development
- Roosevelt Elementary School
- Roosevelt Elementary School
- Roosevelt Elementary School
- Roosevelt Elementary School
- Roosevelt Elementary School
- Roosevelt Elementary School
- Roosevelt Elementary School
- Roosevelt Elementary School
- Roosevelt Elementary School
- Roosevelt Elementary School
- Roosevelt Elementary School
- Roosevelt Elementary School
- Roosevelt Elementary School
- Roosevelt Elementary School
- Roosevelt Elementary School
- Roosevelt Elementary School
- Roosevelt Elementary School
- Roosevelt Elementary School
- Roosevelt Elementary School
- Roosevelt Elementary School
- Roosevelt Elementary School
- Roosevelt Elementary School
- Roosevelt Elementary School
- Roosevelt Elementary School
- Roosevelt Elementary School 10
- Roosevelt High School
- Roosevelt Intermediate School
- Roosevelt Jr High School
- Roosevelt Middle School
- Roosevelt Middle School
- Roosevelt Middle School
- Roosevelt Middle School
- Roosevelt Middle School
- Roosevelt School
- Roosevelt School
- Roosevelt School
- Roosevelt School
- Roosevelt School
- Roosevelt School
- Roosevelt School
- Roosevelt School
- Roosevelt School
- Roosevelt School # 7
- Root Elementary School
- Root Elementary School
- Root River Education District
- Roots & Wings Community School
- Roper Elementary School
- Rosa Fort High School
- Rosa Fort Middle School
- Rosa International Middle Schl
- Rosa Parks Middle School
- Rosa Scott School
- Rosa Stewart Elementary Cafete
- Rosa Stewart Elementary School
- Rosaryville Elemenatry School
- Rosati-Kain High School
- Roscoe Elementary School
- Rose Acres Elementary School
- Rose City Elementary School
- Rose Community School Dist 72
- Rose Hill Magnolia Elementary
- Rose L Mac Donald School
- Rose Park Elementary School
- Rose Pioneer Elementary
- Rose Pioneer Elementary
- Rose Pioneer Elementary
- Rose Valley Elementary School
- Roseau Grade School
- Roseau High School
- Roseboro Salemburg Middle Schl
- Rosebud County School Supt
- Rosebud County Supt Of Schools
- Rosebud School
- Rosebush Elementary School
- Rosedale Center School
- Rosedale Junior High School
- Rosehill Elementary School
- Roseland Assumption School
- Roseland Board Of Education
- Roseland Park Baptist Academy
- Roseland Park School
- Roselawn Elementary School
- Roselle Board Of Education
- Roselle Board Of Education
- Roselle Park Board-Education
- Roselle Park High School
- Roselle Park Middle School
- Roselle Park Special Education
- Roselle Park Superintendent
- Roselle School Superintendent
- Rosemary Clark Middle School
- Rosemary Hills Elementary
- Rosemont Elementary School
- Rosemont Elementary School
- Rosemount Apple Vly Comm Ed
- Rosemount Elementary School
- Rosemount High School
- Rosemount Middle School
- Rosenbloom Religious School
- Rosenfeld Hebrew School
- Rosenwald Elementary School
- Roseville Area High School
- Roseville Area Sch Independent
- Roseville Area Schools Dist
- Roseville Avenue Elem School
- Roseville Community School Adm
- Roseville Community Schools
- Roseville Community Schools
- Roseville High School
- Roseville Junior High School
- Roseville Middle School
- Rosewood Elementary School
- Rosewood Elementary School
- Rosewood High School
- Rosewood Middle School
- Rosewood School
- Rosman Elementary School
- Rosman Head Start Ctr
- Rosman High School
- Rosman Middle School
- Ross Collins Career & Tech Ctr
- Ross Elementary School
- Ross Elementary School
- Ross Elementary School
- Ross Park Elementary
- Ross Street Elementary School
- Rossiter Elementary School
- Rossman Elementary School
- Roswell High School
- Roswell Ind Schools CCAP
- Roswell Independent Sch Dist
- Roswell Independent School Dst
- Roswell Public Schools
- Roswell School District
- Rosy Mound Elementary School
- ROTC Milford Mill Academy
- Rotenberg School
- Rothsay School
- Rothsay Superintendent's Offic
- Round Hill Elementary School
- Round Hill School
- Round Lake School District
- Round Mountain Elementary Schl
- Round Mountain Middle School
- Round Valley School
- Roundup Central Elem School
- Roundup High School
- Roundup Superintendent-Schools
- Rountree Elementary School
- Rouse Elementary School
- Rousseau Elementary School
- Route 40 Elementary School
- Route 66 Elementary School
- Rowan Elementary School
- Rowan Middle School
- Rowan Salisbury Board Of Ed
- Rowan University
- Rowan-Salisbury Exceptional
- Rowan-Salisbury School
- Rowan-Salisbury School System
- Rowe Elementary School
- Rowe Elementary School
- Rowland Middle School
- Rowland Norment School
- Roxboro Christian Academy
- Roxbury Board Of Education
- Roxbury Charter High Sch Board
- Roxbury High School
- Roxbury Latin School
- Roxbury Nixon Elementary Schl
- Roxbury Preparatory Charter
- Roxbury Superintendent's Ofc
- Roy E Taylor Intrmdt School
- ROY Gomm Elementary School
- Roy Martin Middle School
- Roy Public School
- Roy Public School
- Roy Public Schools Supt Office
- Roy Special Education
- Roy W Brown Middle School
- Royal Elementary School
- Royal Football Schools
- Royal Heights Elementary Schl
- Royal Oak School District
- Royal Oak School District
- Royal Oaks Elementary School
- Royal Oaks Elementary School
- Royalston Community School
- Royalton Administrative Office
- Royalton Elementary School
- Royalton High School
- Roye-Williams Elementary Schl
- RSEC Academy
- RTR Elementary School Isd 584
- RTR Middle School
- Ruben Daniels High School
- Ruby Valley School
- Ruder Elementary School
- Rudyard Administrative Office
- Rudyard High School
- Rudyard Middle School
- Rueben Daniels Community High
- Rufus Gustaf Corp
- Rugby Middle School
- Rugby School
- Ruggles Lane Elementary
- Ruidoso High School
- Ruidoso Middle School
- Ruidoso School Superintendent
- Ruleville Central Elementary
- Ruleville Central High School
- Ruleville Elementary Parent
- Ruleville Middle School
- Rum River Elementary School
- Rum River North Day Treatment
- Rum River South School
- Rumford School
- Rumney Elementary School
- Rumsey Station Elementary Schl
- Rumsey Station Elementary Schl
- Rumson Board Of Education
- Rumson School Board Office
- Rumson School Superintendent
- Rumson-Fair Haven High School
- Rundlett Middle School
- Runestone Education District
- Runestone Regional Learning
- Runkle Elementary School
- Runnelstown School
- Runnemede Borough School Supt
- Runnemede School
- Running Brook Children's Nrsy
- Running Brook Elementary Schl
- Running Creek Elementary Schl
- Running Fox Elementary School
- Runnymede Elementary School
- Rupert A Nock Middle School
- Rural Hall Elementary School
- Rural School & Community Trust
- Rush City Elementary School
- Rush City School District 139
- Rush City Schools Pool
- Rush City Schools Pool
- Rush Creek Elementary School
- Rush School
- Rushford Peterson High School
- Rushford Peterson Middle Schl
- Rushford-Peterson Elem School
- Rushford-Peterson School Dist
- Rushville Elementary School
- Rushville Elementary School
- Rushville High School
- Rushville High School
- Rushville School District 133
- Ruskin High School
- Russell Boulevard Elementary
- Russell Elementary School
- Russell Elementary School
- Russell Elementary School
- Russell Knight Elementary Schl
- Russell Middle School
- Russell Satellite School
- Russell School
- Russell School District
- Russell Street Elementary Schl
- Russell Swift Elementary Schl
- Russellville Middle School
- Rutgers Preparatory School
- Ruth Fox Elementary School
- Ruth Huston Learning Ctr
- Ruth Murdoch Schl-Seventh Day
- Ruth N Bond Elementary School
- Ruth Parker Eason School
- Rutherford Adult School
- Rutherford College Daycare
- Rutherford County Head Start
- Rutherford County Schools
- Rutherford County Schools
- Rutherford Elementary School
- Rutherford High School
- Rutherford Superintendent-Schl
- Rutherfordton Elementary Schl
- Rutherfordton-Spindale High
- Rutland Center
- Rutledge R-Iv School
- Ruxton Country Middle School
- Ryan Elementary School
- Ryan Intermediate School
- Rye Elementary School
- Rye Junior High School
- Ryegate School