- 1201 University LLC
- 1209 S College Rd
- 16th Century Journal
- 4-H Michigan State University
- 4-H Youth Development Dept
- 4-H Youth Development Program
- 401 University
- 6 Arlington Dorm
- 750 College Road Assoc LP
- 750 College Road Assoc LP
- A Good Time Video Productions
- A T Still University
- Academic Vice President
- Academy Of Drama Modelng Dance
- Academy Of Pro Cocktail Svc
- Academy Of Waterford
- Academy Of Waterford
- ACM Intl
- Acsion Inc Univ Of Mass
- Acts International Bible Clg
- Addressing & Mailing Svc
- Administration Office
- Admissions
- Admissions & Scholarships
- Adrian College Catering
- ADSL Line University
- Adult Basic Education
- Advanced Technology Ctr
- Aerospace Engineering
- AFLC Schools
- Agency For Jewish Education
- Agency For Jewish Education
- Agrcltrl & Blgical Engineering
- Agrcltrl Information Science
- Agricultural Economics
- Agriculture Forestry
- Air Force Rotc
- Alamance Community College
- Alamance Community College
- Albion College
- Albion College
- Alcorn State Univ Safety Ctr
- Alcorn State University
- Alcorn State University
- Alcorn State University
- Alcorn State University Demo
- Alcorn State University School
- Allegany College Of Maryland
- Allied College
- Alma College
- Alpena Community College
- Alpena Community College
- Alumni Association Framingham
- Alumni Office
- Alumni Relations
- Alumni Relations
- Alumni Relations
- Amer School Of Classical Study
- American Associate Of Univ
- American College Of Greece
- American College Of Orgonomy
- American College Of Orgonomy
- American College-Osteopathic
- American Friends-Yeshiva
- American International College
- American International College
- American Osteopathic Board
- American Osteopathic College
- American Truck Driving School
- American World University
- Amherst College
- Amherst College Converse Hall
- Amsterdam Munchkin University
- Andover Newton Theological
- Andrews University
- Animal & Dairy Science
- Anna Maria College
- Anna Maria College
- Anna Maria College
- Anna Maria College-Book Store
- Anne Arundel Community College
- Anne Arundel Community College
- Annual Giving
- Anoka Aviation Svc
- Anoka Technical College
- Anthropology Department
- Antietam Bible College
- Antioch New England Grad Schl
- Antonelli College
- Apex School Of Theology
- Apollo College
- Appalachian State University
- Appalachian State University
- Applied Scholastics Intl
- Aquinas College
- Architecture Board
- ARE-215 College Rd
- Argosy University
- Argosy University/Twin Cities
- ARIC Research Study Ctr
- Army Ntl Guard-Recruiting Sta
- Arnold G Pressman's College
- Art Center Design College
- Art Institute Of Charlotte
- Art Institutes Intl Minnesota
- Arthur D Little School-Man
- Ashe Campus-Wilkes Community
- Asheville-Buncombe Technical
- Ashland Theological Seminary
- Ashland Theological Seminary
- Assemblies Of God Theological
- Assentment & Council Clinic
- Associate Director
- Associate Vice Chancellor
- Associated Business College
- Asst Director Vocational/Tech
- ASU Nursing Dormitory
- Athletic Department Basketball
- Athletics Director Ofc
- Atlantic Cape Community Clg
- Atlantic Union College
- Augsburg College
- Augsburg College
- AUGSBURG College
- Augsburg College-Rochester
- Augsburg Weekend College
- Babson College
- Babson College
- Baker College
- Baker College
- Baker College
- Baker College
- Baker College Cadillac
- Baker College Clinton Twp
- Baker College Of Auburn Hills
- Baker College Of Auburn Hills
- Baker College Of Cass City
- Baker College Of Jackson
- Baker College Of Muskegon
- Baker College Of Port Huron
- Baker University
- Baltimore Hebrew University
- Baltimore International Clg
- Bannow Floral School
- Baptist Bible College
- Baptist Bible College East
- Baptist Student Union Ctr
- Barber Scotia College
- Barbizon Modeling Agency
- Bartending Academy Inc
- Barton College Main Swtchbrd
- Basic Skills Department
- Bay De Noc Community College
- Bay De Noc Community College
- Bay De Noc Community College
- Bay Mills Community College
- Bay Path Clg Central Ma Ctr
- Bay Path College
- Bayonne Hospital School-Nrsng
- Beacon
- Beacon Hill Institute
- Beaufort County Comm College
- Becker College
- Becker CONVISER Person
- Becker CONVISER Person
- Belhaven College IPD
- Bellevue University
- Bellevue University
- Bellevue University
- Bellevue University
- Bellevue University
- Bellevue University
- Bellevue University
- Bellevue University
- Bellevue University
- Belmont Abbey College
- Benefis Hospital Radiology Dpt
- Bennett College
- Benz Aviation LLC
- Berdan Institute
- Berkeley College
- Berkeley College Of Music
- Berklee College Of Music
- Berkshire Aviation Enterprises
- Berkshire Christian College
- Berne University
- Berz Flight Training
- Beth Medrash Govoha
- Beth Medrash Govoha Of America
- Bethal College
- Bethany College Las Vegas
- Bethany Lutheran Theological
- Bethany University-Las Vegas
- Bethel College & Seminary
- Bethel Seminary
- Bethesda Bible Institute
- Bio-Based Products
- Biochemistry & Moleclr Biology
- Biological Sciences
- Birmingham Bible Institute
- Birmingham Bible Institute
- Birmingham Bible Institute
- Blessed John National Smnry
- Bloomfield College
- Blue Mountain College
- Blue Ridge Community College
- Blue Ridge Community College
- Blue River Community College
- Blue River Community College
- BMCC Board Of Regions
- Board Of Regents
- Bolivar Technical College
- Bonner-Campbell College
- Boost College Prep Ctr
- Bootheel Education Ctr
- Boston College
- Boston College Neighborhood
- Boston Conservatory
- Boston Theological Institute
- Boston Tooling & Machining
- Boston University
- Boston University
- Boston University
- Boston University
- Boston University
- Boston University Nutrition
- Boston University Residential
- Boston University Sch - Mdcn
- Bowie State University
- Bozeman Tech Ctr
- Bradford College Box Office
- Brandeis University National
- Brandeis University National
- Brandeis Womens Committee
- Brevard College
- Brick Computer Science Inst
- Bridgewater State College
- Broadcast Center
- Brookdale Community College
- Brookstone College
- Brown College
- Brown College
- Brown Loam Branch Experiment
- Brunswick Community College
- Brunswick Community College
- Brunswick Educational Ctr
- Bryan College
- Bryman College
- Buchanan University Extension
- Bull Dog Club Inc
- Burke Bible College
- Burlington County College
- Burlington County College
- Burroughs Center For Testing
- Business & Technology Ctr
- Business Office
- Business Office/Comptroller
- Business Research
- Cadillac Area College Cnsrtm
- Caldwell College
- Caldwell College
- Caldwell Comm Clg Watauga Camp
- Caldwell Community College
- Caldwell Community College
- California Modeling Talent
- Calvary Bible Institute
- Calvary Christian College
- Calvary Christian College
- Calvin Academy-Lifelong Lrng
- Calvin College
- Cambridge College-Springfield
- Cambridge State University
- Cambridge State University
- Camden County College
- Camden County College
- Camden County College
- Campbell University
- Campbell University
- Campbell University
- Campbell University
- Campbell University
- Campbell University School
- Campus Card Office
- Campus Involvement Ctr
- Cape Fear Community College
- Cape Fear Community College
- Cape Fear Community College
- Capella Education Co
- Capella University
- Capitol College
- Capps Center
- Capri Institute Of Hair Design
- Cardinal Stritch
- Cardinal Stritch University
- Cardinal Stritch University
- Cardinal Stritch University
- Career & Comnty Learning Ctr
- Career Development Specialist