- Roseville Theatre
- Roso Theatre
- Rotunda Cinematheque
- Route One Cinema Pub
- Route Sixty Six Theater
- Roxy Theatre
- Roxy Theatre
- Roxy Theatre
- Roxy Theatre II
- Royal Cinema
- Royal Cinemas
- Royal Knight Cinema
- Royal Theatre
- Safari 7
- Salisbury Mall $2 Cinemas
- Sandhills Cinemas
- Sandman Associates Intl Inc
- Sawmill Square Cinema 5
- Scenic Theatre
- Schoolhouse Theater Arts Inc
- Screen
- Sea Theatre
- Seacourt 10
- Security Square Cinema
- Sedgefield Crossing's Cinema
- Senator Theatre
- Serious Home Theater
- Shakespeare Theatre
- Shakopee Theatres
- Shallotte Cinema's
- Shea Theater Box Office
- Sherburn Theatre
- Shoboat Cinemas
- Shores Theatre
- Showcase Cinemas
- Showcase Cinemas
- Showcase Cinemas
- Showcase Cinemas
- Showcase Cinemas
- Showcase Cinemas Lowell
- Showcase Cinemas Of Dedham
- Showcase Cinemas Randolph
- Showcase Cinemas Revere
- Showcase Cinemas Seekonk
- Showcase Cinemas Worcester
- Showcase Cinemas-Woburn
- Showcase Waldorf South Cinemas
- Showkids Invitational Theatre
- Showplace 16 Kerasotes Theatre
- Showplace 16 Kerasotes Theatre
- Showplace 8 Kerasotes Theaters
- Showtime Cinema
- Sierra Cinema
- Signature Theatres
- Silver Bow Drive-Inn
- Silver Cinemas 8
- Silver Screen Theater
- Simons Imax Theater-Aquarium
- Skyland Arts Cinema
- Small Change Original Theatre
- Smith Enterprise
- Smith Management Svc Inc
- Smitty's Cinema Tilton
- Smoky Mountain Cinema
- Somerville Theater
- Sony Lexington Park Cinema Six
- Sony Theaters
- Sony Theatre
- Sony Theatre
- Sony Theatre
- Sony Theatre
- Sony Theatre
- Sony Theatre
- Sony Theatre
- Sony Theatre
- Sony Theatre
- Sony Theatre Newark Metroplex
- Sony Theatres Wayne
- South Lyon Cinema
- South Lyon Cinema
- South Point Cinema
- South Pointe Cinemas
- South Shore Performing Arts
- South Street Theater Co Inc
- Southaven Cinemas
- Southern Theatres Inc
- Southgate Cinema
- Sparta Theatre
- Spinelli Cinemas
- Spinelli Cinemas
- Spinelli Cinemas
- Spinelli Cinemas
- Spinelli Cinemas Plymouth
- Spratts Family Theater
- Springfield 8
- Sprint IMAX Theatre
- SPSI Ritz 4 Theater
- St Andrews Cinema
- St Anthony Main Theater
- St Charles 18 Cine
- St Charles Towne Cinema 9
- St Charles Towne Ctr 9
- St Louis Mills Stadium 18
- St Peter Cinema Five
- Stadium 9 Cinema
- Stage Two Cinema Pub
- Staples Cinema Theater
- Star Ship
- Star Southfield Ctr
- Star Southfield Ctr
- Star Theatre
- Star Theatre
- Star Theatre
- Star Theatre Inc
- Star Theatre Inc
- Stardust Drive In Theatre
- Starlight Cinema
- Starlight Drive-In
- Starlight Drive-In
- Starlight Stadium 14
- Starlight Theatre
- Starlite Amusements
- Starlite Drive In
- State Cinema
- State Theater
- State Theater
- State Theater
- State Theater
- State Theater
- State Theatre
- State Theatre
- State Theatre
- State Theatre
- State Theatre
- Stewart Theatre
- Stone Mill Dinner Theater
- Storyteller Cinema
- Strand Theater
- Strand Theatre
- Strand Theatre
- Strand Theatre
- Strand Theatre
- Strand Theatre
- Studio 28
- Studio M
- Sullivan 6 Cinema
- Sullivan Six Cinema
- Summerfun Theater Inc
- Summerfun Theater Inc
- Summit Cinema 5
- Summit Plaza Theater
- Sun & Surf Cinemas
- Sun Theater
- Sun Theatre
- Sun Theatre
- Sun Theatre
- Sun Theatre
- Sunrise Theatre
- Sunrise Theatre
- Sunset Cinemas
- Sunset Drive In
- Sunset Drive In Theatre
- Sunset Drive In Theatre Inc
- Sunset Drive-In
- Sunset Station Stadium 13
- Sunshine Theatre
- Surf Cinemas
- Swansea Stadium 12mas
- Tahqua-Land Theatre
- Taos Plaza Theater & Arts Ctr
- Taylor Theatre
- Teen-To-Teen Theater
- Telshor Cinemas
- Temple Theatre
- Temple Theatre
- Tenafly Cinema 4
- Tentelino Enterprises
- Terrace Of Briar Creek
- Terrace Theatre
- Texas Station Stadium 18
- Theater Gallery
- Theater Xtreme Entertainment
- Theatre
- Theatre De LA Jeune Lune
- Theatre L'Homme Dieu
- Theatre Of Dare
- Theatre On The Hill At Western
- Theatre Space Project
- Theatre Tech Inc
- Theatre Techs
- Theatre UNCA/Carl Belk
- Theatres At Ballantyne Village
- Thespian Hall
- Tibits Summer Theater
- Tiffany Theatre
- Tilton 9 Theatre
- Times Theatre Co
- Tinseltown
- Tinseltown USA
- Tivoli Theatre
- Tivoli Theatre
- Tix 4 Tonight
- Tobie Twin Cinema
- Todd Smith Nj State Theatre
- Totah Theatre Productions Inc
- Tower Theatre
- Tower Theatres Screening Times
- Town & Country Cinema
- Town & Country Four Theatre
- Town Cinema
- Town Plaza Cinema 5
- Towne Cinema Theatres
- Towson Commons General Cinema
- Trail Theatre
- Trans-Lux Theatres Corp
- Tri-City Cinema 8
- Tricity Cinema 4
- Triplex Cinema
- Tropicana Cinemas Movie Line
- Tryon Theatre
- Turtle Creek 9
- Twenty-One Drive-In Movie
- Twin Beach Players Inc
- Twin Creek Cinema Office
- Twin Creek Cinema Office
- Twin Drive-In Theater
- Twin Spin Cinema
- Tyngsboro Cinema 12
- U A Movies At Market Fair
- Unicari Marketing Group
- Union Square Cinema 8
- Union Theatres
- United Artist Snowden Sq
- United Artist Theatre
- United Artist Theatre
- United Artists Bonita Lakes
- United Artists Cottonwood Mall
- United Artists District Office
- United Artists Four Hills 10
- United Artists Garner Towne Sq
- United Artists High Ridge 8
- United Artists Movies
- United Artists North
- United Artists Parkway
- United Artists Theatre Circuit
- United Artists Theatres
- United Artists Theatres
- University 8 Cinemas
- University Film Society
- Uptown Entertainment
- Uptown Theatre-Bed & Breakfast
- Urban Institute-Contemporary
- Us 23 Twin Drive In
- Vali-Hi Drive In Theatre
- Valley Cinema
- Valley Cinema Inc
- Valley Mall Movie 16
- Vallyview Cinemas
- Vandalia Cinema I & II
- Varsity Cinemas
- Varsity Theatre
- Varsity Twin Cinema
- Vassar Theatre
- Vegas 4 Drive In Theatre
- Verne Drive Inn Theatre
- Vickers Theatre
- Vicksburg Theatre Guild
- Video 4
- Villa Theatre
- Village Point Cinema
- Village Square Stadium 18
- Virgin River Cinemas
- Visulite Theatre
- Vogue Theatre
- W S Butterfield Theatres Inc
- Walnut St Theater
- Walt Theatre
- Waltham Summer Theatre
- Washington Square Cinema 5
- Washington Township Cinema
- Washoe Theatre
- Waterford Cinema
- Waterford Cinema
- Waterford Cinema II
- Waterford Cinema II
- Wayne 8
- Wee Cinema Corp
- Wehrenberg Theatres Inc
- Wehrenberg Theatres Inc
- Weirs Drive-In Theatre
- Wellmont Theatre
- West 4 Office
- West Boylston Cinema
- West Branch Cinema
- West Brook Twin Cinema
- West Columbia 7
- West Newton Cinema
- West Theatre
- Westchester Cinema
- Western Mass Theatres Inc