- Reconnections Counseling
- Reconnections Counseling
- Recovery Inc
- Recovery Works Assoc
- Red Rock
- Reflections Associates Inc
- Regina Brody
- Rehak-Haggerty & Assoc
- Reiki Healing Touch Therapy
- Reiki The Newport Ctr
- Relationship Resources
- Relationship Specialists
- Renee Brochester
- Renee Hoffman
- Renee I Pepper
- Renee Mahin
- Renee' Berlin
- Renew Counseling Svc
- Renew Psychological Svc Inc
- Research & Recovery Svc
- Resolution Counseling Svc
- Resource Casac Group
- Restoration Community Inc Fam
- Restoration Life Ministries
- RGM Psychotherapy Resources
- Rhoda Good
- Rhoda Good
- Rhonda L Stovin
- Rhonda Urbansky
- Rhonn Gilchrist
- Richard A Montanaro
- Richard D Belson
- Richard D Belson
- Richard Farrell
- Richard Garnett PHD
- Richard Jensen
- Richard K Farrell
- Richard M Cohen
- Richard M Cohen
- Richard Mc Laughlin
- Richard Murray
- Richard Nudelman
- Richard Paris
- Richard Parker
- Richard R Cox
- Richard Sansom
- Richard Sweeney PHD
- Richard V Primo PHD
- Richard Vickers
- Rick Jacobs
- Rick Swope Counseling Med Ms
- Ridgewood Counseling Centre
- River Of Life Journey Ctr
- River's Edge Treatment
- River's Way Clinic
- Rob Bauer
- Rob Bauer
- Robert A Edelstein
- Robert A Romanow
- Robert Baldino
- Robert C Burnett Counseling
- Robert C Burnett Marriage Svc
- Robert Conniff
- Robert De Lello
- Robert E Howe LTD
- Robert Finkelstein
- Robert Finkelstein
- Robert G Eakin
- Robert G Eakin
- Robert G Huffman
- Robert Gallagher
- Robert Greenberg PHD
- Robert J Burke
- Robert J Burke
- Robert J O'Connor
- Robert J O'Connor
- Robert Livesay Family Thrpst
- Robert Mulligan
- Robert Mulligan
- Robert N Byrne Counseling Svc
- Robert Penaskovic
- Robert Penaskovic
- Robert Reitman LLC
- Robert Ricciardi
- Robert Schwam PHD
- Robert Shahan
- Robert T Hovey
- Roberta G Cohen
- Roberta G Cohen
- Roberta Roth
- Roberta S Greene PHD
- Roberta Shafter
- Roberta Siegel-Lutzker
- Robin Burnett
- Robin E Lieberman
- Robin M Drago
- Robin Pfeiffer
- Robin Sherwin
- Robinwood Psychosocial Svc
- Rochelle Jaffe
- Rochester Mediation Svc
- Rockland Center-Eating Dsrdrs
- Rockland Institute-Psychnlys
- Rockwell Mental Health Svc
- Roger Armbruster PHD
- Roger D Carlson
- Roger Kryzanek
- Rogue Professional Counselors
- Ron Neufeld
- Rona Degenstein
- Ronald A Melver
- Ronald D Kirkpatrick
- Ronald G Sass & Assoc
- Ronald Gamzon
- Ronald Humbert
- Ronald L Burrows PHD
- Ronald L Savarese
- Ronald M Salon
- Ronald N Mancini & Assoc
- Ronald Rodgriguez
- Ronald Rubin
- Ronald S Bodenheimer
- Ronald S Bodenheimer
- Ronald W La Duca
- Roni O'Geen
- Roosa Counseling Svc
- Rosalie Stluka
- Rose Bourgeois
- Roseann Grillo
- Roseanna D Smith
- Roseline Intrater PHD
- Rosella Zarkin
- Rosemarie Gaeta
- Rosemarie Mc Gowan
- Rosemarie Winstanley PHD
- Rosemary Dunn Dalton
- Rosemary Lake Liotta PHD
- Rosemary Lake Liotta PHD
- Rosemary Priest
- Rosemary T Foos
- Rosendale Family Therapy Ctr
- Rosendale Family Therapy Ctr
- Rosie Bareis Community Campus
- Ross Reene
- Roxanne Mossman Sieber
- Roy Fritch
- Rugby Family Svc
- Ruth C Kutz CSWR
- Ruth Cuker PHD
- Ruth E Beltran
- Ruth Gibian
- Sacred Journeys Within
- Safe Place
- Sailor & Assoc
- Saint Anne's Rensselaer County
- Saint Anne's Rensselaer County
- Salem Pastoral Counseling Ctr
- Sally Blackwood
- Sally Freeman
- Sam Adams PHD
- Samaritan Counseling Ctr
- Samaritan Counseling Ctr
- Samaritan Counseling Ctr
- Samaritan Counseling Ctr
- Samaritan Counseling Ctr
- Samaritan Counseling Ctr
- Samaritan Counseling Ctr
- Samaritan Counseling Ctr
- Samaritan Counseling Ctr
- Samaritan Counseling Ctr
- Samaritan Counseling Ctr
- Samaritan Counseling Ctr
- Samaritan Counseling Ctr
- Samaritan Counseling Ctr
- Samaritan Family Counseling
- Samaritan Neighbors Network
- Samaritan Pastoral Counseling
- Samuel R Taube
- Samuel Stauber
- Samule L Dixon PHD
- Sanctuary For Families
- Sanctuary For Families
- Sanctuary Supportive Counsel
- Sandi Hecht
- Sandra Chernick
- Sandra J Mineo
- Sandra Lonardo
- Sandra Mecarini
- Sandra Rosengarten
- Sandra S Cohen
- Sandra Young
- Sandy Johnson
- Sandy Loflin
- Sandy Solomon
- Sanford A Schwartz PHD
- Sap Services By Jayne Kiel
- Sara Coleman Lisw
- Sara Wolinsky PHD
- Sarah E Larson
- Sarah E Nelson
- Sarah K Small
- Sarah S White
- Saratoga Counseling Assoc
- Saratoga Counseling Assoc
- Saratoga Counseling Svc
- Saratoga Counseling Svc
- Saratoga Therapy & Training
- Saratoga Therapy & Training
- Saren Nelson
- Sarina Rosen
- Sarver & Parry
- Savis Inc
- Sawmill Family Counseling
- Sawmill Family Counseling
- Schaub & Schaub
- Scott Edwin
- Scott Edwin
- Scott Gillet
- Scott M Aycock
- Scott M Aycock
- SDM Family Counseling Svc
- Seasons Of Life Counseling Inc
- Second Chance Therapeutic Svc
- Seeds Of Change Counseling Svc
- Self & Soul Ctr
- Senior Family Alternatives
- Sensei Associates
- Setauket Consultation Ctr
- Sexual Dysfunction Treatment
- Sexual Trauma Assessment
- Shannon Pernetti
- Shari Levine
- Sharing Place
- Sharon A Scott
- Sharon Burman
- Sharon Coulter Lpc
- Sharon Doyle
- Sharon Fischer
- Sharon Flegal
- Sharon Hatrak
- Sharon Launer
- Sharon Launer
- Sharon Marer
- Sharon Varnum
- Sharon Vary
- Shattuck Counseling Svc
- Shawne E Steiger
- Sheila Crandles
- Sheila Heller
- Sheila Heller
- Sheila Henoch
- Sheila Henoch
- Sheila J Swinford
- Sheila Lewis
- Sheila Newcomb
- Sheila Raye Eklof
- Shellmire Unlimited
- Shelly Pinnell
- Shelly Tracy
- Shelly Tracy
- Sherod Luscombe CSW
- Sherry Brown
- Sherry Brown
- Sheryl D Watson
- Sheyenne Valley Counseling Svc
- Shirah Siladie
- Shirley Stephens
- Simon Menasche Counseling
- Sims & Sims
- Sindy Foreman
- Singer & Ewart
- Six County Inc
- Sleepy Valley Ctr
- Small Wonders At The UPMC
- Small Wonders Day Care
- Small Wonders Day Care School
- Small Wonders Daycare
- Small Wonders Daycare Ctr
- Small World Childcare
- Small World Day Care
- Small World Day Care
- Small World Day Care Inc
- Small World Day Care Inc
- Small World Day Care Inc
- Small World Day Care School
- Small World Discovery Ctr
- Small World Early Learning Ctr
- Small World Early Learning Ctr
- Small World Systems Inc
- Small's Auto Repair
- Smallacombe General Contrs
- Smallcomb Construction
- Smalley Auto Wreckers
- Smalleys Unisex Hair Salon
- Smallman Street Deli
- Smallow Management Co
- Smalls Formal Wear Rental
- Smalls Painting
- Smallwood's Landscaping Inc