- John E's Massage Works
- John M Burt Licensed Massage
- John Mikelson
- John R Buhacevich
- John Ray's Massotherapy
- John T Scott Lmt
- Johnna Gunn Massotherapist
- Johnna Hanood Massotherapist
- Jonathan Lohnes
- Jones Neuromuscular Therapy
- Joni Landau Hands Of Treasure
- Jordan Therapeutic Massage
- Josephine Pagano
- Journey To Health
- Joy E Hillukka Massage
- Joy E Hillukka Massage
- Joy Kornish Licensed Massage
- Joyce Degarmo
- Joyce Friedrich
- Joyce Larson
- Jubilee Massage
- Judith Powell
- Judy De Voe
- Judy's Massage Therapy
- Judy's Massage Therapy
- Julee A O'Neil
- Julia Taylor Massage Therapist
- Julie A Rodriguez
- Julie Desorcy
- Julie Hawley
- Julie Hebeka
- Julie Mc Tague
- Just For You Massage Therapy
- Just What A Body Kneads
- K G Stiles
- K G Stiles Bowtech Therapist
- K Kubacki Massage Therapy
- K Reid
- Kala
- Kala
- Kala
- KALA Everything Massage
- KALA Everything Massage
- KALA Massage Co
- KALA Massage Co
- KAMA & Sutra
- KAMA & Sutra
- Karan Bischoff
- Karen Algeo
- Karen Anne's Therapeutic Mssg
- Karen Campbell
- Karen Ciancetta
- Karen Davis
- Karen Diefenbach
- Karen E Evans
- Karen Ginsburg License Massage
- Karen Ginsburg License Massage
- Karen Hangsterfer Therapeutic
- Karen Harmon
- Karen J Romme'
- Karen Jones Holistic Massage
- Karen Kuzminsky
- Karen Lackritz
- Karen M Diefenbach
- Karen Porach
- Karen Roman
- Karen S Mercer
- Karen Standley Massage Therapy
- Karen Verderber
- Karen Weitz Lmt
- Karen Zacek Massage Therapists
- Karen's Caring Hands Massage
- Karen's Healing Touch
- Karen's Massage
- Kari Mc Gee
- Karie Thomas Massage
- Karri Bailey
- Kary Ann Therapeutics
- Kate Machcinski Massage Thrpy
- Kathaleen Rueck-Dawkins Lmt
- Kathaleen Rueck-Dawkins Lmt
- Katherine's Therapeutic Mssg
- Kathie Hall
- Kathie Hall
- Kathleen Ann Tokos Massage
- Kathleen Ann Tokos Massage
- Kathleen Clark-Healing Touch
- Kathleen Merrick Lmt
- Kathleen R Parvin
- Kathleen Vargovich
- Kathryn Arden
- Kathy Allen
- Kathy Allen
- Kathy Carlson
- Kathy Decker
- Kathy Evans
- Kathy Milone
- Katia Authentic Russian Bdywrk
- Katia Authentic Russian Bdywrk
- Katie Montana
- Katrina Trotter
- Kay Kreiger
- Kayeshands Massage Therapy
- Kayla Olson
- Keep In Touch Ctr
- Keep In Touch Massage Therapy
- Keep In Touch Message Therapy
- Keep In Touch Therapeutic Mssg
- Keep-In-Touch
- Keepin' Touch Massage
- Keepin' Touch Massage
- Keith Clay
- Kelart Bodywork
- Kelley Borresen
- Kelly's Therapeutic & Massage
- Ken Schappe Massage
- Kenna Collins Lmt
- Kenny House
- Kent County Massage Therapy
- Kettering Massage Wellness Ctr
- Key To Health Massage Clinic
- Key To Health Massage Clinic
- Khalsa Therapeutic Clinic
- Kiamichi Valley Massage
- Kim Harter
- Kim Holman
- Kim Pflanz
- Kim Shalberg
- Kim Swartz
- Kim's Massage Therapy
- Kimberlea Myo Riley Medical
- Kimberly Ganiere
- Kimoa Salon
- Kimoa Salon
- King's Way Massage
- Kirstin Schumaker
- Kitrina Hetzel
- Knead For Therapy
- Knead It Or Knot
- Knead To Relax Wellness Ctr
- Knead To Relieve
- Kneaded Body
- Kneaded Touch Spa & Fitness
- Kneaded Touch/Com(0ad)Wauseon
- Kneadful Touch Massage Therapy
- Kneading Hands Therapy
- Kneading Palms Massage
- Kneading Soles
- Kneading Time Holistic Thrphy
- Kneading Time Massage Therapy
- Knotted Corner
- KOBE 56
- KOBE 56
- Korner Massage Clinic
- Kris Ruschau
- Kristi Sigler
- Kristin Duve Massotherapy
- Kurtz Kurak Massotherapists
- Kyle Cline
- LA Bossiere Ross Lifewaves
- Ladimax Personal Training-Mssg
- Lake Erie Massotherapy
- Lake Massotherapy Clinic Assoc
- Lake Placid Speedy Spa
- Lakeside Massage Therapy
- Lakeside Massage Therapy
- Lakeside Massage Therapy
- Lakewood Massotherapy
- Lalumiere Massage Boutique
- Landen Massage Assoc
- Lane Harrison
- Lane Massage Therapy
- Langley Massage Therapy
- Lapeyre Jacques
- Larry Andreassen
- Larry D Andrews Therapist
- Lasting Effects
- Laura Cook
- Laura Veneskey
- Laurel A Finch
- Laurel Boyer Assoc
- Laurel Vough Massotherapy
- Laurelhurst Massage Therapy
- Lauren Wanamaker
- Laurie A Thomas
- Laurie Cole Lmt
- Laurie Gochenour Lmt
- Le Crone & Co Massage Therapy
- Le Rose Building
- Le Visage
- Leah Thompson
- Leanna Amber
- Lee Noonan
- Lee T Aeron
- Leeza's Relaxation Massage
- Leola's Relaxing
- Lesley Waters
- Lesley Waters
- Leslie Shawver
- Let The Healing Begin
- Let's Get Physical
- Levels Of Health
- Life Plex Health Club
- Life Spirit Healing Arts
- Life Therapeutic Massage Ctr
- Life Touch Massage Therapy
- Life-Source Massage Therapy
- Lifetime Therapeutic Massage
- Lighten Up Massage Therapy
- Lily Relaxation Ctr
- Linda Broadhead
- Linda Burr
- Linda Eastman Lmt
- Linda Hamilton
- Linda Hill
- Linda Hoggan
- Linda Knight
- Linda L Phelan
- Linda Manecke
- Linda Steves
- Linda Wright
- Lion's Touch Massage & Reiki
- Lisa A Benson
- Lisa De Maria
- Lisa Drury Reiki Master
- Lisa Erb
- Lisa Erb
- Lisa Erb
- Lisa Hamilton
- Lisa J Wisen
- Lisa M Smith
- Lisa Ovey
- Lisa Ovey
- Lisa's Massage Therapy
- Lisa's Massotherapy
- Little Neck Spa
- Living Life Well
- Living Well Massage Therapy
- Liz Outcall
- Liz Prato
- Loggan Kelly
- London Therapeutic Massage
- Long Island Therapeutic
- Long Island Wholistic Massage
- Long Life Massage
- Long Life Wellness & Med Spa
- Lonny Morley
- Lora Rohrer
- Lord & Lady Massage Therapy
- Lori A Schofield
- Lori Hart's Massage Therapy
- Lori Rose
- Lorie Kimball
- Lorie's Therapeutic Massage
- Lorri Berglund
- Lorrie J Abel
- Lotus Massage & Health
- Louise Hohayun
- Louise V Smyth
- Loy Taneha Lmt
- Luann Hagel
- Luby Kalaena
- Lucy Bunsey
- Luna Mesa Day Spa
- Luxuriant Massage
- Lydia Fernandez
- Lyn Fleming Lmt
- Lyn's Therapeutic Massage
- Lyndsay Brazell
- Lyndsay Brazell
- Lynn Orson
- Lynn Schulte
- Lynne Hedbloom Lmt Lmp
- M A Soucy Lmt
- M T Wellness Clinic
- Magic Hands
- Magic Hands
- Magic Hands Therapuetic Massge
- Maher Medical Massage
- Main Massage
- Main Street Massage Clinic
- Main Street Massage Therapy
- Main Street Massotherapy
- Main Therapeutic Place
- Mainly Massage
- Maitri
- Majestic Massage
- MAJIK Moments Of Massage
- Maki
- Maki
- Mama & Me
- Mana Massage LLC
- Manhattan Massage
- Manhattan Massage
- Manlius Massage Therapy
- Mannatech Inc Ind Assoc
- Mansfield Therapeutic Assoc
- Mar-Shell Limousine
- Mar-Stan's Unfinished Furn