- Port Angeles Symphony
- Prince William Symphony
- Project
- Prototype Band
- Rainbow's End
- Rappahannock Youth Orchestras
- Ray Akin Orchestra
- Ray Akin Orchestra
- Rene Flores Y Combo Latino
- Rene Flores Y Combo Latino
- Rick Cavender Band
- Rick Cavender Band
- Roadster
- Roadster
- Rob Anthony Band
- Rocker Rocker Rocker
- Ronnie Martin
- Ronnie Martin
- Ronnie Renfrow Big Band
- Ross Holmes Band
- Round The Bend
- Salient
- Salsa Brava
- Salsa Brava
- Salt Lake Symphony
- Salt Lake Symphony
- San Angelo Symphony Society
- San Antonio Symphony
- San Antonio Symphony
- Savannah Band
- Seamus Stout
- Second Nature Band
- Second Nature Band
- Second Nature Band
- Seneca Chamber Orchestra
- Showcase Productions
- Shy Guys Band
- Slickrock Gypsies
- Slickrock Gypsies
- South Carolina Philharmonic
- Spokane Symphony
- Spokane Youth Symphony
- Starfire Entertainment
- Steve Freeman Band
- Storybook Dance & Dinner Band
- Sugarbomb
- Summer Breeze Band
- Suspence
- Sweet Gerogia Sound/Morgan 5
- Swingline Cubs
- Swingline Cubs
- Swingset
- Symphony & Choral Society
- Symphony Arlington
- Symphony Arlington
- Symphony Of Southeast Texas
- Tacoma Symphony
- Tacoma Youth Symphony Assoc
- Talent Associates Inc
- Temple Symphony & Orchestra
- Temple Symphony & Orchestra
- Tennessee Philharmonic
- Texas Band & Orchestra
- Thayer Symphony Orchestra
- Tidewater Winds
- Tom Green Show
- Total Praise Productions
- Toucan Brothers
- Town Band Assoc
- Trinity Pilot Productions Inc
- Tuxedo Junction
- Tyler Big Band
- Tyler Youth Orchestra
- Unibersal Sound Dance Band
- Unicorn Productions
- Utah Symphony & Opera Co
- Va Beach Symphony Orchestra
- Va Beach Symphony Orchestra
- Vancouver Symphony Orchestra
- Vancouver Symphony Orchestra
- Vicho Vicencio Combo
- Virginia Chamber Orchestra
- Virginia Symphony
- Walla Walla Symphony
- Waukesha Symphony Inc
- Wave O'Blues & Sausage Fantasy
- Wi Chamber Orchestra
- Williamsburg Symphonia
- Wind Symphony Corpus Christi
- Youth Orchestra
- Youth Orchestra-The Americas
- Youth Orchestras Of Prince Wm
- Youth Symphony
- Zion Youth Symphony Orchestra