- Able Trek Tours
- Action Aerial Sightseeing
- Advanced Sail
- Adventure Cruises Inc
- Adventure Sightseeing Tours
- Alamo Trolly
- Alamo Trolly
- Alamo Visitors Ctr
- Alamo Visitors Ctr
- American Sightseeing-Seattle
- American Sightseeing-Seattle
- Attraction Tours-The Black Hls
- Beale Street Carriage
- Belle Air Biplane Rides
- Bighorn Mountains Tours-B & B
- Black Hills Central Railroad
- Border Sights Shuttle
- Canyon Trail Rides
- Canyonlands By Night
- Captain Jack's Daydream Chrtrs
- Carriage Tours Of Memphis
- Center For Whale Research
- Charleston Tours & Info Svc
- Charleston's Finest Histrc Trs
- Chartered Bus Svc Inc
- Chinatown Discovery
- Chinatown Discovery
- Chinatown Discovery
- Choice Tours Inc
- Christian Heritage Tours Inc
- Christian Heritage Tours Inc
- Community Business Group LTD
- Coyote Land Tours & Shuttle
- Customized Tours & Charters
- Customized Tours & Charters
- D C Ducks
- Dells Army Duck Tours
- Dells Boat Tours
- Dells Boat Tours
- Dells Experience Jet Boats
- Deltaways Inc
- Destination Discovery
- Discovery Tours
- Doris & Gus Tours
- Doris & Gus Tours
- Double H Bar Inc/Teton Wagon
- E L Enterprises
- E L Enterprises
- Eastside Excursions
- Eastside Excursions
- Everett Tours Inc
- Fargo Tours
- Fighter Command-WWII Fighter
- Flagship
- Flamingo Excursions
- Fort Sumter Tours & Spiritline
- Gay Head Sightseeing Co
- Gray Line Of Charleston
- Grub Steak Expeditions
- Historic Trails West
- House On The Rock Tours
- Jamestown Explorer
- L & A City & Sightseeing Tours
- L & A City & Sightseeing Tours
- L & J Golden Circle Tours
- Legends West
- Lone Star Carriage Co
- Longhorn Cavern
- Longhorn Cavern
- Lost Canyon Tours Inc
- Main Street Greenville Tours
- Maximum Receptive Svc
- Memphis Riverboats Inc
- Miss Nell's Tours
- Moab's Skyway
- Mormon Handcart Vistors Ctr
- Mott's Transportation
- Nantucket Island Tours
- Nashville Express Tours
- New York City Cltrl Wlkng Trs
- New York Knowhow
- Northwest Classic Day-Sails
- Northwest Skyline
- Old Town Experience
- Olson Boat Co
- Potomac Riverboat Co
- Puget Sound Express
- Ramp 66 Inc
- Rendezvous River Cruises
- Reston Limousine & Travel Svc
- Richmond Walks
- Ricky Rickshaw Rides
- Sacred Monument Tour
- Sacred Monument Tour
- Salt Lake Historical Tours Inc
- Salt Lake Historical Tours Inc
- Salt Marsh Tours
- Scenic Safaris
- Scenic Safaris
- Shenandoah Tours Inc
- Smoky Mountain Llama Treks
- Southern Utah Scenic Tours
- Southern Water Tours
- Spirit Of Norfolk Harbor
- Stagecoach West Bus Svc
- Sturgis Bus Co
- Summit Meadow Adventures
- Tailored Tours Of Charleston
- Tanglewood Wine Tours Us
- Time Travel Geologic Tours
- Totem Pole Guided Tours
- Tronsdal Air Svc Inc
- Vintage Air Tours
- Washington Air Svc
- Washington's Best Guides
- Wildhorse Country Tours
- Williams Mary Guide Svc
- Windows To The West
- Wisconsin Ducks Inc
- Woodrow Wilson Birthplace