- Park Theatre
- Parkdale Cinema I II III
- Pastime Pavilion Cinemas
- Peanuts Movies & More
- Pearland Premier Cinema 6
- Pembroke Mall Cinemas 8
- Performing Arts
- Pheasant City Drive-In Theatre
- Pheasant Drive Inn
- Phoenix Theaters
- Phoenix Theatres
- Pickford Cinema
- Pine Hollow Theatre
- Pine Tree Mall Cinema
- Pines Theater
- Pipestem Drive-Inn Theatre
- Pix Theater
- Plaza 1 & 2
- Plaza Cinema 1 & 2
- Plaza Four
- Plaza Theatre
- Plaza Theatre
- Plaza Theatre
- Plaza Theatre
- Plaza Theatres
- Plaza Theatres
- Plaza Twin Cinema
- Plaza Twin Theaters
- Plestex Theatre
- Point Ultra Screen Cinemas
- Pointe Theatres
- Polk Theatre
- Portage Theatres-7
- Premier Cinemas Corp
- Premier Home Theater
- Premiere 6 Theatre
- Premiere Cinema
- Premiere Cinema 6-Westgate Mll
- Premiere Cinema 6-Westgate Mll
- Premiere Cinema 6-Westgate Mll
- Premiere Cinema Ten
- Premiere Cinema Ten
- Premiere Cinema Twelve
- Premiere Cinema Twelve
- Premiere Cinemas Corp
- Premiere Movies 4
- Premiere Southwest Cinema
- Premiere Southwest Cinemas
- Premiere Theaters
- Prescreen Cinema Advertising
- Presidio Theaters
- Presidio Theaters
- Prestonwood 5 Theatres
- Prestonwood Cinema
- Price Theatre
- Price Theatre
- Princess Theatre
- Proctor Blue Mouse Theater
- Prospect Mall Cinemas
- Puget Park Drive In
- R E I's Greenwood Ten
- Racine Children's Theatre
- Raders Express Movie
- Raders Express Movie
- Radford Theatre
- Ragtown Ranch Theaters
- Rainier Books & Mecca Theater
- Raleigh Mall Cinemas
- Raleigh Springs Mall Theater
- Rangra Theatres
- Rave Motion Pictures
- Rave Motion Pictures
- Rave Motion Pictures
- Rave Motion Pictures
- Rave Motion Pictures
- Real To Reel
- Red Rocket Cinema
- Redstone 8 Cinemas
- Redstone 8 Cinemas
- Redwood Cinemas
- Redwood Drive-In Theatre
- Reel Theatres
- Reel Theatres
- Reel Theatres-Movies Parkway
- Reel Theatres-Movies Parkway
- Regal Cinema
- Regal Cinema 12
- Regal Cinema Hollywood 20
- Regal Cinema Mc Arthur Ctr
- Regal Cinemas
- Regal Cinemas
- Regal Cinemas
- Regal Cinemas
- Regal Cinemas
- Regal Cinemas
- Regal Cinemas
- Regal Cinemas
- Regal Cinemas
- Regal Cinemas 14
- Regal Cinemas 6
- Regal Cinemas Cascade
- Regal Cinemas Cielo Vista
- Regal Cinemas Cielo Vista
- Regal Cinemas College Av 16
- Regal Cinemas Inc
- Regal Cinemas Live Oak 18
- Regal Cinemas Live Oak 18
- Regal Cinemas Martin Vlg 14
- Regal Cinemas Marysville 14
- Regal Cinemas Metropolitan
- Regal Cinemas Poulsbo 16
- Regal Cinemas Westgate
- Regal Cinemas-Puyallup 6
- Regal Cinemas-Southpark Mall 6
- Regal Entertainment
- Regal Entertainment Group
- Regal Entertainment Group
- Regal Everett 3
- Regal Greenbrier Cinema 13
- Regal Imax Opry Mills
- Regal Kiln Creek Cinema 14
- Regal Kiln Creek Cinema 20
- Regal Pottery Cinema 6
- Regal Strawbridge Marketplace
- Regal's Cinemas Country Side
- Regal's Virginia Ctr Cinema 14
- Regent Highland Park Village
- Rei Cinemas
- Reichert's Showhouse
- Reston Town Ctr Multiplex
- Rial To Cinema Grill & Cantina
- Rial To Cinema Grill & Cantina
- Rialto Theater
- Rialto Theatre
- Richland Park Cinema
- Rick Wilcox Theater
- Ridge Cinemas
- Ridgeway Four
- Ridgewood Theatre
- Ridglea Theatre Building
- Ringling Theatre
- Rio 6 Cinema
- Rio Entertainment
- Rio Entertainment Inc
- Rio Theatre
- Rio Theatre
- Rio Vii Cinemas
- Ritz
- Ritz Theatre
- Ritz Theatre
- Ritz Theatre
- Ritz Theatre
- Ritz Theatre
- Ritz Theatre
- Ritz-Motor Vu Info Line
- Ritz-Motor Vu Info Line
- River Point Cinema
- Rivergate 8
- Rives Theatre
- Rivoli Reservation
- Rivoli Theatre
- Rivoli Theatre
- Robey Theatre
- Rock Theatre
- Rockwall Movies 8
- Rockwall Movies 8
- Rocky Top 10 Cinema
- Rodeo Drive-In Theatre
- Rogers Cinema 7
- Rogers Cinema Inc
- Rogers Cinemas
- Roosevelt Theatre
- Roosevelt Theatre
- Roosevelt Twin Theatre
- Roosevelt Twin Theatre
- Rosa Theatre
- Rose Theatre
- Rosebud Cinema
- Roslyn Theatre
- Rouman Cinema
- Roxy
- Roxy
- Roxy
- Roxy Merrill's Cinema Movie
- Roxy Theater
- Royal Cinemas
- Royal Theater
- Royal Theater
- Royal Theater
- Royal Theater
- RSVP Productions
- Ruby Theatre
- Rushmore Seven
- Salem Six Theatres
- Salem Valley 8
- Salt Lake City Film Ctr
- Salt Lake City Film Ctr
- San Juan Theater
- San Juan Theater
- Sandhill Cinema
- Santikos Theatres
- Santikos Theatres
- Sattelite Movie Co
- Savoy Theatre
- Scera
- Scera
- Schulman Theatres
- Sea View Theatre
- Seguin Theatre Inc
- Select Theater
- Seminole Cinema
- Seneca Cinemas 8
- Sewanee Union Movie Theatre
- Shadybrook Cinema
- Shaw Air Force Base Theater
- Shawano Cinema I II & III
- Shenandoah Summer Music
- Shiner Starplex
- Show In The Dell Dinner Thtr
- Show Time
- Showboat Theater & Family
- Showcase Cinema 5
- Showcase Cinemas
- Showcase Cinemas
- Showcase Cinemas
- Showcase Cinemas
- Showcase Cinemas Inc
- Showcase Cinemas Worcester
- Showcase Cinemas Worcester
- Showcasecinemas
- Showplace 6
- Showplace 6
- Showplace Cinema III
- Showplace Cinema III
- Showplace Cinemas
- Showplace III
- Showtime Cinema
- Sikes Six Theatres
- Sikes Six Theatres
- Silver Cinemas Inc
- Silverado 16 Theater
- Silverado 16 Theater
- Sisston Theatre
- Sixth Street Theatre
- Ski Hi Theatres
- Skillman Cinema 6
- Sky-Vu Drive-In Theatre
- Skyline 6 Theatres
- Skyway Drive-In Theatre
- Slickrock Cinemas 3
- Slickrock Cinemas 3
- Smart Home Theater Design
- Smith Family Theater
- Smithfield Little Theatre
- Smithfield Little Theatre
- Sobos Main Theatres
- South Branch Cinema 6
- South Freeway Cinema 8
- South Hill Mall 6
- South Hills Cinemas
- South Shore Cinema
- South Shore Mall Cinema
- South Side Cinema V
- South Sound Cinema 6
- South Sound Cinemas 6
- South Towne Cinemas
- Southern Cinemas
- Southgate Cinemas
- Southgate Cinemas
- Southtown Cinema
- Spanish 8 Theater
- Sparta Drive-In
- Spartan 16
- Speanbridge Co
- Spotsylvania Mall Cinemas 4
- Springfield Cinema
- Springfield Mall Cinema 10
- St Andrews Road Multi Cinemas
- St Croix Falls Cinema 3 Thtr
- St Jack's Videos
- Stadium Cinemas
- Stage Road Cinema
- Standard Theatres Inc
- Stanley Theatre
- Stanwood Camano Village Cinema
- Star Cinema
- Star Cinema
- Star Cinema
- Star Cinema
- Star Cinema
- Star Light Theater
- Star Stadium 8
- Star Theatre
- Star Theatre
- Star Theatre
- Star Twin
- Stardust Drive In Theatre
- Stargate Theatre
- Starlex Cinema
- Starlite Drive-In Theatre