- IBN Telecom
- ICG Access Svc
- ICG Communications Inc
- ICG Communications Inc
- ICG Communications Inc
- ICG Netcom
- ICG Telecom Group Inc
- ICG Telecom Group Inc
- Ichinaglobal
- Icon Telephone Svc
- ICS Telephone Inc
- ICS-Telecommunications
- Ideacom Of Central Nc Inc
- Ideaone Telecom
- Ideaone Telecom Group
- IDS Telcom
- IDS Telcom
- IDT Corp
- IDT Solutions
- IDT Solutions
- Ikea Local Svc Ctr
- IKN Inc
- Il Consolidated Telephone Co
- Il Consolidated Telephone Co
- Ild Telecommunications Inc
- Ill Valley Public Telecomms Co
- Ill Valley Public Telecomms Co
- Illinois Consolidated
- Illinois Consolidated
- Illinois Telephone Corp
- Illsley Bourbonnais
- Illsley Bourbonnais
- Image Office Svc
- Imagitel
- Imarket Communications Inc
- Impact Telecom
- Impressive Telecom
- IMR Telecom
- In Tele Gent Choice Comm Inc
- In Touch Communications
- In Touch Phone Cards Inc
- Inc 21 Communications
- Incredibell Communications
- Independence Telephone Co
- Independent Networks
- Independent Phone Syst Inc
- Independent Phone Syst Inc
- Indiana Telephone
- Indiana Telephone Co
- Indiana Telephone Co
- Indiana Telephone Co
- Indiana Telephone Co
- Indiana Telephone Co
- Indiana Telephone Co Inc
- Indianhead Telephone Co
- Indicom
- Indicom
- Industry Telephone Co
- Industry Telephone Co
- Inex.Com Inc
- Infinite Telecom
- Infinite Telecom
- Infiniti Telecom & Tech Inc
- Infiniti Telecom & Tech Inc
- Info-TEL USA Comm Inc
- Infone Corp
- Information Technology Squared
- Infosources
- Infospan Inc
- Infospan Inc
- Infotrust Telco
- Inland Telephone
- Inland Telephone Co
- Inland Telephone Co
- Inland Telephone Co
- Inmate Telephone
- Inmate Telephone Inc
- Inmate Telephone Inc
- Inmate Telephone Inc
- Inmate Telephone Strafford
- Innovative Communication Cncpt
- Innovative Communication Cncpt
- Inroute Communications
- INS Telecom
- Insight Communications
- Integra Telecom
- Integra Telecom
- Integra Telecom
- Integra Telecom
- Integra Telecom
- Integra Telecom
- Integra Telecom
- Integra Telecom
- Integra Telecom
- Integra Telecom
- Integra Telecomm
- Integrated Business Comm
- Integrated Communications
- Integrated Communications Inc
- Integrated Communications Svc
- Integrated Network Comms Inc
- Integrated Resources
- Integrated Telemanagement Svc
- Integrated Voice Technologies
- Integrity Communications
- Integrity Communications
- Intelcom Corp
- Intelcom Inc
- Intelechoice Datacom Inc
- Intelevision Inc
- Intellify
- Intelligent Communications Grp
- Intelligent Phone Systems
- Intelligent Telecomm Corp
- Intelligent Telecomm Corp
- Intelsat
- Intelsat Global Svc Corp
- Inter Community Telco
- Inter Community Telephone Co
- Inter Voice-Brite Inc
- Inter-Tel Technologies
- Inter-Tel Technologies
- Inter-Tel Technologies Inc
- Inter-Tel Technologies Inc
- Interactive Communications
- Interactive Svc Incorp
- Interactive Telecom Group
- Intercall
- Intercom Inc
- Interconnect Services Inc
- Intercontinental Telephone
- Intercontinental Tlcmmnctns
- Interglobe Communication Icc
- Interglobe Communication Icc
- Interior Telephone Co
- Interlink Telco Inc
- Interlink Telco Inc
- Interlink Telecommunications
- Intermedia Communication Se
- Intermedia Communications
- Intermedia Communications
- Intermedia Communications
- Intermedia Communications
- Intermedia Communications Inc
- Intermedia Communications Inc
- Intermedia Customer Svc
- Intermedia Worldcom
- Intermedia Worldcom
- Intermodal Data Comm Systems
- International Communication
- International Connection Inc
- International Discount Calls
- International Discount Calls
- International Express Telcom
- International Express Telcom
- International Phone Ctr
- International Telcom LTD
- International Telecom Grp USA
- International Telecom Inc
- International Telephone Sltns
- Internet Global Phone
- Internet Help Desk
- Internet MCI
- Internet Sales & Svc
- Internet Telecom Network LLC
- Interoute Telecom Inc
- Interoute Telecom Inc
- Interstate 35 Telephone Co
- Interstate 35 Telephone Co
- Interstate Telecommunication
- Interstate Telecommunications
- Interstate Telecommunications
- Interstate Telecommunications
- Interstate Telecommunications
- Interstate Telephone Comms
- Interstate/Valley Telephone Co
- Intouch Communications
- Intouch Communications
- Intouch Communications
- Intouch Telecommunications Inc
- Intouch Telecommunications Inc
- Intra Link
- Intrastate Telephone Co
- Intrastate Telephone Co
- Intrastate Telephone Co
- Invericom
- Invision Telcom
- Invision Telecom
- Invision Telecom
- Invision Telecom Inc
- Invision Telecomm
- Invision Telecomm Inc
- Invision Telecomm Inc
- IOWA Network Svc
- Iowa Telecom Communications
- Iowa Telecommunications Svc
- Iridium Satellite
- Irontek
- Isatel Inc
- ISI Inc
- Island Marketing Inc
- Island Technology Networks
- Island Telephone Co
- Island Telephone Co
- Isn Wireless
- Isoftel
- Isphone
- Isphone
- ITC Deltacom
- ITC Deltacom
- ITC Deltacom
- ITC Deltacom
- ITC Deltacom
- ITC Deltacom
- Itc Deltacom
- Itc Deltacom
- Itc Deltacom
- Itc Deltacom
- Itc Deltacom
- ITC Deltacom
- Itc Deltacom
- Itc Deltacom
- Itc Deltacom
- Itc Deltacom
- Itc Deltacom
- ITC Deltacom
- ITC Deltacom
- ITC Telecom
- ITC Telecom
- ITC Telecommunications
- ITF Sunshine & Connolly
- ITS Corp
- ITS Telecommunications
- ITS Telecommunications Syst
- Its The Bellsouth Spa
- ITT Telecom
- ITT Telecommunications
- Ixc Eclipse Telecommunications
- Ixc Eclipse Telecommunications
- IXC Telecommunications
- J & J Telecommunications
- J & S Tower Svc
- J C Hodge
- J E Group
- J G Cuthbertson
- J L & Assoc
- J P Telecom Inc
- J Rod Communication
- J Rod Communication
- J S Telephone Svc
- Jab Associates Inc
- Jacobs Telephone Contractors
- Jade
- Jaguar Communications
- Jaguar Communications
- Jaina Systems Network
- James A Keen
- James R Dinger
- James Telecom Inc
- James Valley Communications
- Janice M Brown Telephone Co
- Japan Telecomm
- Japan Telecomm
- Jas Networks
- Jason's Pit Stop
- Javs Telecom
- JBN Telephone Co
- Jc Telecommunications
- Jeanie Teleph Banking
- Jefferson Telephone & Cable
- Jefferson Telephone Co
- Jeffrey A Morrison
- Jerrell Robinson
- Jerry Sumpter
- Jerry's Telephone Svc
- Jesus R Meza Excel Tlcmmnctns
- Jet Wave Corp
- Jet Wave Corp
- Jilapuhn Inc
- Jim Adams Telephone Svc
- Jim Caver
- Jim Dayton & Assoc
- Jim The Phone Guy
- Jimmy Freeman
- JKL Ranger
- John Bennudriti
- John D Richards
- John E Miles
- John Staurulakis Inc
- John's Inside Wire & Repair
- John's Key Telephone Co Inc
- Johnson Telephone Co
- Johnson Telephone Co
- Joni Mantle Consultant
- Joseph D Moody
- Joy Communications
- Jroxx Productions
- JTC Communications
- JTC Trust LTD