- Joyeria International
- Joyeria Marquez
- Joyeria Salazar
- JPA Gold & Diamonds
- JPA Gold & Diamonds
- JPL Jewelry
- JPL Jewelry
- Jpr Jewelry Co Inc
- JPS Jewelry Ctr
- JRM Jewelers Inc
- JRV Jewelers Inc
- JRV Jewelers Inc
- Jsc Mfg
- JSO Commercial Interiors
- JSP Gold & Jewelry
- JSP Gold & Jewelry
- JSW Timepiece
- JTD Intl Inc
- Jubilee
- Jubilee Fine Jewelry
- Jubilee Silver
- Judith Simmons & Assoc Inc
- Judy Simmons & Assoc
- Julia Jadefinger
- Julieanna's
- Julius S Kassar Inc
- Julius S Kassar Inc
- Jump-Ring Master Inc
- Jung Jewelry
- Just For You
- Just Joe
- Just Joe
- Just Mel Designs
- Justin's Fine Jewelry
- Jye's International Inc
- K & J Jewelry
- K & K Jewelry Inc
- K & K Mountains
- K & K Royal Hawaiin Jewelry
- K & R Intl
- K & W Trading Inc
- K B Trading
- K B Trading
- K C Collection
- K C Signatures
- K C Signatures
- K Go & Co
- K H Studio Design Inc
- K H Studio Design Inc
- K Jenny LLC
- K K Gems & Beads Inc
- K Lamberti Designs
- K Lina Jewelers
- K P Sanghvi Inc
- K P Sanghvi Inc
- K S Jewelry Design
- K T Reynolds Co
- Kaizer Diamond Intl Inc
- Kalan Designs
- Kalibre
- Kalibre
- Kan's Jewelry
- Kang's Earrings
- Kansas Brass & Pewter
- Kaplan Jewelers
- Kaplan Jewelers
- Karat & Carats
- Karat & Carats
- Karat 24
- Karat Patch
- Karen Gold
- Karen Grimm
- Karen Grimm
- Karen's Korner
- Karen's Korner
- Karibou
- Karin Waters Jewelry
- Karin's Jewelry & Gems
- Karina Jewelry
- Karina's Boutique
- Karlan International Inc
- Karleen Creations
- Karmily Gem Corp
- Karmily Gem Corp
- KARO Jewelry
- Kashi Gem
- Kashi Gem
- Kashi Gem Corp
- Kashi Gem Corp
- Kata Jewelry Mfg
- Kathryn Bonanno
- Kathryn Bonanno
- Kathy Runkel
- Katzyann
- Katzyann
- Kaufman Enterprises
- Kay Trading
- Kay's Jewelry
- Kaymen B Inc
- Kazto Co
- Kazto Co
- KAZU Jewelers
- KBC Jewelry
- KBC Jewelry
- Keigo & Co
- Kelechian Jewelry
- Kelesh Jewelry Design
- Kelinda Corp
- Kelly & Assoc
- Kelly's Wholesale Jewelry
- Kenar Jewelers
- Kenar Jewelers
- Kenilworth Creations
- Kenneth R Carson Mfg Jewelers
- Kent's Trading Inc
- KERR Jewelry Mfr
- Kerryfusion
- Kesherim & Ben David Inc
- Kevin Jewelers
- Kevin's Gems
- Kevork's Jewelry Inc
- Key Item Sales Inc
- Keystone Jewelry Inc
- Keystone Jewelry Inc
- Khalil Gem Importers Inc
- Khl Jewelry
- KIA International
- KIA International
- Kianca
- Kilgore & More
- Kilgore & More
- Killer Beads
- Killer Breads
- Kim Cuong Jewelry
- Kim Cuong Jewelry
- Kim International
- Kim Phat Co
- Kim Thanh Co
- Kim Thanh Co
- Kim Thanh Inc
- Kim Yen Nha Trang
- Kim Yen Nha Trang
- Kim's Novelties
- Kim's Novelties
- Kimberly Imports
- King Of Silver
- King Plutarco Columbian Emrlds
- King Way Fashion Acces
- King's Ransom
- Kingmark Jewelry Inc
- Kingmark Jewelry Inc
- Kingstone Enterprises Inc
- KIRK Creations Inc
- Kirk Darren
- Kirk Darren
- Kirk Darren
- Kirsten Moorhead Jewelry Inc
- Kishek International Inc
- Kishek International Inc
- Kismet Jewelry
- Kismet Jewelry
- Kit Heath Inc
- Kiwi Gold
- KJM Jewelry Inc
- Klassic Wholesale Diamonds
- KMK Designs Inc
- KMT Co
- KMT Co
- KMW Co
- KNK Gem
- KNK Gem
- Ko Ko's Jewelry
- Ko Ko's Jewelry
- KOHL Diamond & Jewelry Co
- Kolaczia Lipot
- Kolaczia Lipot
- Kollarkeeper Co
- KOMA Jewelers
- KOMA Jewelers
- Kopa Gold
- Kopa Gold
- Kopelman & Assoc
- Korica Inc
- Korica Inc
- Kosta Diamond Co
- Kothari & Co Inc
- Koumrouyan Jewelry
- Kourosh Jewelry Inc
- Kouyoumjian Jewelers
- Kraiko Diamonds
- Kreidman Diamond Co
- Kreidman Diamond Co
- Kria International
- Kripa
- Kripps Jewelers
- Kris Gem Intl
- Kris Gem Intl
- Kristof's Jewelers
- Krystal Enterprise
- Krystal Enterprise
- KTD Jewelers
- KTL Jewellery Mfr Inc
- Kunzelman Brothers
- L & B Creations
- L & G Jewelry Wholesale
- L & H Design
- L & J Accessories
- L & J Accessories
- L & J Jewelry Co
- L & L Wholesale Jewelry
- L & M Jewelry
- L A Coast
- L A Coast
- L A Coco
- L A Connection
- L A Connection
- L A Golden City Jewels
- L A House Of Gold
- L A Imports
- L A Jewelry
- L A Jewelry Wholesale
- L A Montell & Co
- L A Silver Inc
- L A Sun Jewelers
- L A Wedding Inc
- L C Gems
- L F Co
- L G
- L G Balfour Co
- L G Balfour Co
- L G Balfour Co
- L G Balfour Co
- L J Jewelry
- L L Distributors
- L P Studio
- L P Studio
- L Rafael
- L T Kang & Co
- L Wilmington & Co
- L's Perfect Match
- L'Unique Jewelry
- LA Baguette Inc
- LA Belle
- LA Bianca
- LA Bijou
- LA Luna
- LA Pho's Creation
- LA Pho's Creation
- LA Vie Parisienne
- LA Zaro Jewelry
- Labelle Accessories
- Labosco Investments
- Laine's Wholesale Jewelry
- LAJ Inc
- Laker Trading Co
- Lalig Inc
- Lamden Jewelry
- Lancy Trading
- Lancy Trading
- Land Gems Inc
- Landau Costume Jewelers
- Landau Costume Jewelers
- Landmark Associates
- Lane Diamonds Inc
- Lane Diamonds Inc
- Lanshang Co
- Lapis Tree
- Laram Jewelry
- Larry Epperson's Custom Jwlry
- Las America Jewelers
- Las Americas Jewelers
- Laurel Birch Direct Inc
- Laurel Inc
- Lawrence Baca Silversmith
- Lawrence Bott Jewelry
- Lawrence Jewelry Co Inc
- Lawson Jewelry
- LDM Co
- Lea-Ray Jewelry
- Lebow Diamond Brokers
- Lebowitz Gould Design Inc
- Lebowitz Gould Design Inc
- Lee Alan Accessories
- Lee Mc Daniel & Assoc
- Lee's Gold & Diamond Import
- Leena Gold Inc
- Legacy Design
- Legacy Designs
- Legino Diamonds
- Legio Trading Co
- Legio Trading Co
- Leinani
- Leo Chersky Jewelry Mfg Co
- Leo Chersky Jewelry Mfg Co
- Leo Frank & Sons Inc
- Leo Frank & Sons Inc
- Leo Hamel & Co
- Leo Leung Co LTD
- Leo Leung Co LTD