- Mayo Lumber & Millwork
- Mayr Brothers Co
- Mc Bride Lumber Co
- Mc Daniel Hardwood Products
- Mc Entyre Lumber Co
- Mc Gee Lumber Co
- MCM Forest Products
- Memphis Hardwood Flooring
- Mendocino Forest Products
- Mentor Lumber & Supply Co
- Merritt Brothers Re-Mfg Div
- Mescalero Forest Products
- Mesenbrink Mill
- Metro Hardwoods
- Metropolitan Lumber
- Metropolitan Lumber
- MFP Of Oregon Inc
- Michigan Service Lumber
- Mid South Lumber Co
- Mid Willamette Precut
- Mid-Columbia Lumber & Box
- Mid-South Wood Products
- Midhurst Studios
- Midstates Lumber Distributors
- Midwest Timber Inc
- Midwest Wood Specialties
- Mill
- Miller Enterprises
- Miller Lumber Mfg Inc
- Miller Shingle Co Inc
- Millry Mill Co
- Minnesota Wood Campaign Inc
- Mississippi Valley Forest Prod
- MJB Wood Group Inc
- MJB Wood Products
- MLC Of Wakefield Inc
- Moller & Vandenboom Lumber Co
- Monteith Lumber Co
- Monticello Hardwood Inc
- Monticello Wood Industries
- Montross Hardwood Co
- Moore Lumber Co Sawmill
- Moore Lumber Sales Inc
- Moravia Lumber Co
- Morgan-Wightman Supply Co
- Motto's Cedar Products
- Murphy Creek & Cut Stock
- N B Goodwyn & Sons Inc
- Napoleon Hardwood Inc
- Nash Wood & Timber Corp
- Native American Hardwood Corp
- Native Lumber Co
- Neely Lumber Co
- Neff Lumber Mills
- Neibauer Lumber Co
- Neumayer Mills & Lumber
- New South Inc
- Nicolet Lumber Co
- Niolon Lumber Sales Inc
- Nm Vigas & Timbers
- Nocona Building Ctr
- North Pacific Lumber Co
- North West Woods LTD
- North-West Hardwoods
- Northeast Wood Products
- Northeastern States Lumber Inc
- Northeastern Wisconsin Wood
- Northern Hardwoods
- Northern Lakes Lumber
- Northern Lights Timber & Lmbr
- Northland Cedar Inc
- Northland Corp
- Northland Forest Products Inc
- Northland Forest Products Inc
- Northland Forest Products Inc
- Northwest Cut Stock
- Northwest Forest Products
- Northwest Forest Products
- Northwest Hardwoods
- Northwest Hardwoods
- Northwest Pallet Inc
- Oakcrest Lumber Inc
- Oaks Unlimited
- Oakwood's Lumber Inc
- Ochoco Lumber Co
- Ohio River Wholesale Lumber Co
- Old Town Lumber
- Orban Lumber
- Orban Lumber
- Oregon Lumber Co
- Oregon Overseas Timber Co Inc
- Pacific Clears
- Pacific Fir
- Pacific Hardwoods-South Bend
- Pacific Rim Mfg LLC
- Pacific Supply
- Pacific Wood Milling & Reload
- Pacifica Lumber Co
- Pack Lumber Co
- Paddle Craft
- Pallet Logistics Inc
- Parker Lumber Co
- Parksite Plunkett-Webster
- Parton Lumber Co Inc
- Pat Graneto
- Patterson Hardwoods Inc
- Paw Lumber Co
- Paxton The Wood Source
- Pend Oreille Pines
- Pennington Crossarm Co
- Pennington Crossarm Co
- Pharris Lumber Co
- Phil Etienne Timber
- Phillips Sawmills Inc
- Pierson Lumber Co
- Pine Creek Wood Co
- Pine Products Inc
- Pineridge Truss
- Pinocchio's Timber Products
- Pisgah Lumber Co
- Plum Creek
- Plum Creek Timber Co
- Plum Creek Timber Co
- Plum Creek Timber Co
- Plum Creek Timber Co
- Plum Creek Timber Co
- Pollard Lumber Co
- Ponderay Valley Fibre Inc
- Poplar Ridge Lumber Co
- Port Angeles Hardwood LLC
- Potlatch Corp
- Potlatch Gwinn Saw Mill
- Potsdam Hardwoods Inc
- Powell Lumber & Kiln Co
- Powers Lumber Co
- Prairie Wood Products
- Precision Lumber
- Precision Lumber Co
- Premier Forest Products
- Premier Forest Products
- Premier Outdoor Adventures
- Premier Outdoor Adventures
- Pride Hardwood LLC
- Priest Lake Lumber Co
- Princeton Forest Products
- Prineville Sawmill Chip Plant
- Prineville Sawmill Chipper
- Pro-File Lumber Inc
- Pulaski Wood Co
- Purvis Forest Products
- R & R Forest
- R & R Lumber
- R A Yancey Lumber Corp
- R E Linde Sawmill
- R G Lumber
- R L Balla Inc
- R M Clark Inc
- R-Y Timber Inc
- Raber Lumber
- Ralph E Cline Jr Lumber
- Randy Mc Kee Trucking Inc
- Rare Earth Hardwoods
- Rare Earth Hardwoods
- Rasmussen Wood Products Inc
- Rayonier Inc
- Redwood Empire
- Redwood Empire Sawmills
- Regulus Stud Mills Inc
- Reliance Corp
- Republic Lumber
- Resource Woodworks Inc
- RFP Mfg Inc
- Rhinold Schleben Forest Prods
- Richard Fuller Lumber
- Richard Schneider-Planer Mill
- Richmond Lumber & Supply
- Richmond Lumber & Supply
- Riley Creek Lumber
- Riley Creek Lumber
- Riley Creek Lumber Co
- Rives & Reynolds Lumber Co
- Rivisco Lumber Co
- Robbins Pole Div
- Robert S Coleman Lumber Co
- Roberts & Dybdahl Inc
- Robertson & Jones Inc
- Robertson & Jones Inc
- Robinson Lumber Co
- Robinson Lumber Sales
- Robinson Sawmill Beams & Posts
- Robinson Sawmill Beams & Posts
- Rocky Creek Lumber Co
- Ron Sauvola Mill
- Ronnie's Lumber Mill Inc
- Rosboro Lumber Co
- Rose City Products
- Rose City Wood Product
- Rosewood Lumber Co
- Rough & Ready Lumber Co
- RSG Forest Products Inc
- Run Of The Mill
- Rustic Wood Products Inc
- Ryefield Sawmill
- S & S Wood Products
- Sapphire Lumber Co
- Saratoga Lumber Traders Inc
- Saratoga Lumber Traders Inc
- Saw Mill
- Sawtooth Lumber Sales
- Scherer Brothers Lumber Co
- Schmidbauer Lumber Inc
- Seafarer Marine-Ft Lauderdale
- Select Lumber
- Semenetz Lumber Mill Inc
- Shasta Cascade Forest Ind
- Shingleton Timber & Trucking
- Shuqualak Lumber Co
- Shur-Cut Industries Inc
- Sierra Lumber Mfr
- Sierra Pacific
- Sierra Pacific Industries
- Sierra Pacific Industries
- Sierra Pacific Industries
- Sierra Pacific Industries
- Sierra Pacific Industries
- Sierra Pacific Industries
- Sierra Pacific Industries
- Sierra Pacific Industries
- Sierra Pacific Industries
- Sierra Pacific Industries
- Sierra Pine
- Sierra Pine LTD
- Sierrapine LTD Springfield Div
- Silver City Lumber Incl
- Simco Marine Wood Products Inc
- Simpson Lumber & Sawmill
- Simpson Timber Co
- Simpson Timber Co
- Simpson Timber Co
- Sirianni Hardwoods Inc
- Siskiyou Forest Products Inc
- Sitco Lumber Co
- Skipper Hardwood Lumber Co
- Slawson Lumber Co
- Slice Recovery Inc
- Smallwood Lumber
- Smith Lumber & Tie Mill
- Smith's Lumber
- Smoky Cove Inc
- Snare Lumber Co
- Snow Mountain Mills
- Snowbelt Hardwoods
- Sorenson Lumber Co Inc
- Sound Stud
- Sound Stud Saw Mill
- Southeast Wood Products
- Southern Forest Industries Inc
- Southern Lumber Co
- Southern Oregon Lumber
- Southern Tier Hardwood Sales
- Southern Timber Sales & Mfg
- Southern Wood Fabrication
- Spartan Forest Products
- Specialized Milling
- Specialty Wood Products
- Spell Brother's Wholesale
- Springdale Lumber Co
- St Angelo Hardwoods
- St Croix Valley Hardwoods Inc
- Staggs Lumber Co Inc
- Staggs Lumber Mill
- Starfire Sales Co
- Stimson Lumber Co
- Stimson Lumber Co
- Stimson Lumber Co
- Stimson Lumber Co
- Stinson Lunmber
- Stock Building Supply
- Stonertop Compost & Mulch
- Strickland Lumber Co
- Stringfellow Lumber
- Stringfellow Lumber Co LLC
- Strong Built Log Homes
- Strong Forest Products Inc
- Structural Wood Corp
- Strunk Brothers Inc
- Sugar Tree Lumber Co
- Summitt Forest
- Sun Mountain Lumber
- Sun Valley Lumber Inc
- Sundance Lumber Co Inc
- Sundance Spas Inc
- Sunny's Hardwood
- Sunrise Enterprises
- Superior Hardwoods
- Sutphin Lumber Co
- Sutton Brothers Lumber Co
- Swanson Brothers Lumber Co
- Swanson Group