- Kaneshige Design Assocs
- Kantorski Design
- Karas Technical Svc
- Karen Ashton Graphic Design
- Karen Colin Design
- Karen Felzener
- Karen Haworth Designs
- Karen Iwasaki Design
- Karen Olsen Design
- Karen Soberanis
- KARI De Vries Designs
- KARI De Vries Designs
- Karier Design
- Karin Burklein Design LTD
- Karin Burklein Design LTD
- Kas Graphics
- Kassner
- KAT Designs
- Katalina Group
- KATART Graphics
- Kate Keating & Assoc
- Kate Tallent Design & Comm
- Katherine Loh Graphic Design
- Kathleen Mc Guinness
- Kathy Cowles Graphic Design
- Kathy Karrys Design
- Katia Design
- Katia Design
- Katina Wood Designs
- KATO Design
- KATO Design
- KATY Hight Graphic Design
- KATZ Graphics
- Kavish & Kavish
- Kaze Design
- KCD Graphics
- KCD Graphics
- KDI Media Group
- Keating Identity Group
- Keech Design Studio
- Keepsake Graphic Design
- Keith Design Group
- Keith Hall Design
- Keith Hall Design
- Keith-O-Graphics
- Keith-O-Graphics
- Kellerhouse Design
- Kelly Connelly Design & Print
- Kelly Design Co
- Kelly Graphics
- Kelly Gray Design
- Kelly John & Assoc Design
- Ken Hickmott Graphics
- Ken Rackow Desktop Publishing
- Ken Shiokari Design
- Ken Winston Design
- Kencreative
- Kendal King Graphics
- Kent Design
- Kenyon Design Group
- Keoki Design
- Kerker Kommunications
- KERN Graphics Plus
- Kerry Martyr Design & Prod
- Kesterson & Assoc
- Kestrel Graphic Designs
- Kevershan Design
- Kevin Hall Design
- Kevin Tuan Design Studios
- Key Strokes
- Keyline Graphics
- KGN Graphics
- Khoury Graphics Group
- Khoury Graphics Group
- Kiagraphics
- Kidart Designs
- Kilpatrick & Miller
- Kim Of Kim Art Graphics
- Kim Osborne Graphic Design
- Kim Pita
- Kim Simons Design
- Kima Co
- Kimball Grafx
- Kimberly Baer Design Assoc
- Kimco Graphics
- Kimiko Chan Design
- King Design Group
- King Graphics
- King Of Arts Design Group
- King Phil
- Kingdesign
- Kingsley Group
- Kintic Ideas
- Kiper Lascu
- Kira Evans Design
- Kirchner Design
- Kirchoff-Wohlberg Inc
- Kirkman Gardiner Design
- Kismet Studios
- Kittywake Studio Illustration
- Klein Design
- Kleiter Graphics
- Klim Design Inc
- Kliman Design
- Kline Design
- Kline-Phoenix Advg Graphics
- Kline-Phoenix Advg Graphics
- Klingaman Creative
- Klingaman Creative
- KLO Design
- Kmh Marketing & Graphics
- Kmp Design
- Knack Design & Production
- Knight Design Studio
- Knight Design Studio
- Knight Graphic Design
- Knight Graphic Design
- Knockout Creative
- Knowlton Multimedia
- KNOX Design
- Knubis Communications
- Koehler Nash Graphics
- Koehler Nash Graphics
- Koelsch Studios
- Koelsch Studios
- Koinonia Mission Foundation
- Koinonia Mission Foundation
- Kolibri Design
- Kollar Design Assoc Inc
- Komai Designs
- Komai Designs
- Komin Design
- Komuro & Assoc
- Kooima Kreations
- KOOL Dogs Design
- Korobkin & Assoc Inc
- Korobkin & Assoc Inc
- Kosaka Design
- Kosh Design Studios
- KP Graphics
- Kraft Design
- Kraftwerk Design
- KRAK Design
- Kramer Design
- Krause Creative
- Krause Creative
- Kreativ Root
- Kreative 1s Inc
- Kreative Keystrokes
- Kreidel Design
- Krikorian Design
- Kris Graphics & Typesetting
- Kristal Graphics
- Kristal Graphics
- Kuleana Design
- Kurigraphics
- Kustom Creative
- Kuzich & Assoc
- Kwake Design
- Kwolyk Design
- KYCA Design
- L & M Graphics
- L & M Graphics
- L A Grafix Inc
- L A Marler Fine Print
- L B Designs
- L B Graphix
- L Brook Fellows Design
- L C Design
- L C Design
- L Creighton Dinsmore Design
- L N Design
- L P Designs
- L W Concepts
- L'Artste A LA Carte-Freetlance
- L-Dopa
- L4B3L
- LA Bar Graphics
- LA Boulangerie
- LA Branche Inc
- LA Grone Design Inc
- LA Marr's Trucking
- LA Moraga Communications
- LA Rock Advertising & Design
- LA Rock Advertising & Design
- Labels Logos & Etc
- Ladder Design
- Lado B
- Lake Designs Assoc
- Lake Lizard Graphix
- Lakewood Graphic Arts
- Lakin's Graphics
- Lakin's Graphics
- Lamirande Design
- Lamont Design
- Lancaster Creative Group
- Lance Perkins Design
- Lance Perkins Design
- Land Graphics
- Lander/Taras Design
- Lander/Taras Design
- Landkamer Partners
- Landmark Grafix
- Landmark Graphics Corp
- Landon Creative
- Landon Taylor Design Group
- Landon Taylor Design Group
- Lang Design
- Lange Graphics Inc
- Laradesigns
- Largelab
- Larry Brown Graphic Design
- Larry Kligerman Design
- Larry Kligerman Design
- Larry Roberts Design Comms
- Larsen Design & Interactive
- Larson Art & Design
- Larsonimages Graphics & Photo
- LAS Graphic Arts
- LAS Graphic Arts
- Laser Graph X
- Laserimages Inc
- Lasso Creatives
- Lastra & Assoc
- Lattice Graphics
- Laura Case Designs
- Laura Coe Design & Assoc
- Laura Frank Design
- Laura Hogan Design
- Laura Lucas Design
- Laura Manthey Design
- Laura Parker Design
- Lauren Card Design
- Lauren Card Design
- Lauren Devine Graphic Design
- Lauren Graphics Inc
- Lauren Smith Design
- Laurie Anderson Design
- Laurie F Craig
- Lava Lab
- Lawlor Graphics
- Lawrence Co
- Lawson Design
- Lawton Design
- Layerthree Concepts
- Layerthree Concepts
- Laymon Fine Arts & Design
- Layout Solutions Inc
- LC Design Inc
- LC Design Inc
- LCD Inc
- Lcp Graphic Designs
- Le Blanc Design & Illustration
- Le Prevost Corp
- LEA Design
- LEA Design
- Lead Pencil Design
- Lead Pencil Design Studio
- Leahy/Radding Design
- Leap O Faith Design
- Leavy Design Group
- Lectrographics Art
- Lee Limited Design
- Lee Limited Design
- Lee Reedy Inc
- Lee Weisman Graphics
- Leeray Design
- Leeweber Associates
- Legacy Design & Print Inc
- Legal Graphics Inc
- Legal Graphics Inc
- Lehman Design Inc
- Leighton Design
- Lekas Miller Design
- Lemon Grass Designs
- Lemon Grass Designs
- Leneker Design
- Leo Graphic Design
- Leoram Inc
- Lerma New Media
- Leslie Stone Assoc
- Lester Creative Group
- Letra Design
- Letter Perfect Typography
- Lettering In Stone
- Level
- Levi Graphics & Design
- Levine & Assoc
- Levram Design
- Lewis Harrison Design
- Lewis Harrison Design
- LGS Digital
- Lianne Liang Publication Svc
- Libby Macdonald & Shear Inc
- Libera Design
- Liberty & Church
- Liberty Graphics
- Liberty Graphics