- Fresno Art Museum
- Fresno Flats Historical Park
- Fresno Flats Historical Park
- Fresno Metropolitan Museum
- Friends Of Dinosaur Ridge
- Friends Of Historic Ft Logan
- Friends-Santa Cruz State Prk
- Frisco Historical Society
- Frontier Historical Museum
- Ft Francisco Museum
- Ft Francisco Museum
- G W Carver Interpretive Museum
- Gadsden Museum Of Art
- Gallery Mint Museum
- Galloping Goose Historical
- Gann Museum Of Saline County
- Garbage & Recycling Museum
- Gatekeepers Museum
- Gateway Auto Museum
- Gay-Hoyt House Museum
- Geffen Contemporary
- General Mansfield House
- General Patton Memorial Msm
- Geneva Historical Society
- Geneva Mercer Museum
- George Read II House
- George Rowe Museum
- George Washington Carver Msm
- Georgetown Energy Museum
- Getty Center
- Ghost Town Museum
- Gila County Historical Museum
- Gilbert Historical Society
- Gilpin County Historical Scty
- Glenwood Railroad Museum
- Global Aeronautical Foundation
- Goat Hill Tavern Auto Museum
- Goat Hill Tavern Auto Museum
- Gold Country Museum
- Gold Gulch Museum
- Gold Gulch Museum
- Gold Nugget Museum
- Golden Age Of Trucking Museum
- Golden Drift Museum
- Golden Gate Railroad Museum
- Golden Pioneer Museum
- Golden State Bonsai Collection
- Golden State Museum
- Goleta Depot
- Government Investment Mgmt
- GPD Toy Train Museum
- Grace Hudson Museum-Sun House
- Grand County Museum
- Grand County Museum
- Grass Valley Museum
- Gravette Historical Museum
- Great Valley Museum
- Greeley History Museum
- Greeley Museums Meeker Home
- Green Hotel
- Greene Museum
- Greenmuseum Org
- Gridley Museum
- Grier-Musser Museum
- Groveland Yosemite Gateway Msm
- Guest House
- Guilford Keeping Society
- Gulf Shores City Museum
- Gull Wings Children's Museum
- Gunn Memorial Library & Museum
- Gustine History Ctr
- Gustine Museum
- Haas-Lilienthal House
- Habitot Childrens Museum
- Haddam Historical Society Inc
- Haggin Museum
- Hagley Museum & Library
- Hale County Civil Rights Msm
- Hall Of Fame
- Hall Of Flame Fire Museum
- Hall Of Health
- Hamill House Museum
- Hammer Museum
- Hammer Museum
- Hammond Museum Of Bells
- Hampson Museum State Park
- Hampson Museum State Park
- Hand Fan Museum Of Healdsburg
- Hank Williams Museum
- Hank Williams Museum
- Hans Christian Andersen Museum
- Haramokngna American Indian
- Harrington Historical Society
- Harrington Railroad Museum
- Harris-Lass Historic Museum
- Harry C Barnes Meml Nature Ctr
- Hathaway Ranch Museum
- Hattie Weber Museum
- Hayden Heritage Ctr
- Hays Antique Truck Museum
- Hayward Area Historical Scty
- Headen-Inman Historical Museum
- Headquarters Military
- Healdsburg Museum
- Healy House & Dexter Cabin
- Heard Museum
- Heard Museum North
- Hearst Castle Preservation
- Heart Of Dixie Railroad Museum
- Heidrick Ag History Ctr
- Heimberg Construction
- Hellenic Heritage Museum
- Hemet Museum
- Hendershott Museum Consultants
- Hendrickson House Museum
- Henry C Yerger School Museum
- Henry Whitfield State Museum
- Heritage Complex
- Heritage Discovery Ctr
- Heritage Discovery Ctr
- Heritage House Museum
- Heritage Junction
- Heritage Museum
- Heritage Of The Americas
- Heritage Square Museum
- Hermosa Beach Historical Scty
- Hicks-Stearns Family Museum
- Hill House Museum
- Hill-Stead Museum
- Hiller Aviation Museum
- Hillier Air Museum
- Hillwood Museum & Gardens
- Hinsdale County Museum
- Historic Arkansas Museum
- Historic Centennial Village
- Historic Houses Of Odessa
- Historic Italian Hall Fndtn
- Historic Magee Farm
- Historical Fire Hydrant Museum
- Historical Glass Museum
- Historical Society
- Historical Society Of Easton
- Historical Society-E Hartford
- Historical Society-Temple City
- History Center
- History San Jose
- Hiwan Homestead Museum
- Holley House Museum
- Hollywood Entertainment Museum
- Hollywood Guiness Museum
- Hollywood Heritage Museum
- Hollywood History Museum
- Holmes Medical Museum
- Holyland Exhibition
- Hoopa Valley Museum
- Hope & Sunrise Museum
- Hopi Museum
- Hot Spring County Museum
- Hotchkiss/Crawford Historical
- Hotel De Paris Museum
- House Of Pacific Relations
- HSU Natural History Museum
- Humphrey Memorial Park
- Huntington Beach Intl Surfing
- Huntington Beach Intl Surfing
- Huntington Homestead Museum
- Huntington Library Art
- Huntsville Museum Of Art
- Hurst Ranch Historical Ctr
- Ilanka Cultural Ctr
- Imaginarium
- Imagine Nation Children's Msm
- Imagine U Children's Museum
- Imax Dome Theater At The Tech
- Immigration Museum
- Indian Creek Exhibits-Vestige
- Indian Cultural Ctr
- Indian Mound & Museum
- Institute-American Indian Stds
- Interim Museum Svc
- International Arts & Artist
- International Museum Of Women
- International Petrified Forest
- International Printing Museum
- International Spy Museum Store
- International Wildlife Museum
- Iron Hill Museum
- Irvine Historical Society
- Irvine Historical Society
- Irvine Museum
- Irvine Museum
- Isabel Miller Museum
- Isham-Terry House
- IVC Desert Museum
- Jack Dewar Museum
- Jack Mason Museum
- Jacksonville Museum-Military
- Japanese American Historical
- Japanese American National Msm
- Japanese Friendship Garden
- Jasmine Hill Gardens & Outdoor
- Jefferson Historical Museum
- Jemison Carnegie Heritage Hall
- Jensen Alvarado Historic Ranch
- Jesse Owens Memorial Museum
- Jewish Historical Society
- Jewish Historical Society
- John Dickinson Plantation
- John E Rogers African American
- Jonathan Bell Lovelace Museum
- Josephine Tussaud Wax Museum
- Joss House Museum
- Judah L Magnes Museum
- Jule Collins Smith Museum
- Julian Pioneer Museum
- Juneau Douglas City Museum
- Junipero Serra Museum
- Jurupa Mountains Cultural Ctr
- Kasilof Regional Historical
- Kauffman House Museum
- Kearney Mansion Museum
- Keeler Tavern Museum
- Keeney Memorial Culture Ctr
- Kellogg Environmental Ctr
- Kellogg-Eddy House & Museum
- Kelly Griggs House Museum
- Kelsey House
- Kentuck Art Ctr & Museum
- Kentucky Mine Museum
- KERN County Museum
- Kid Space
- Kid Zone Museum
- Kid's Factory
- Kidcity Children's Museum
- Kidspace Children's Museum
- Kimberly Crest
- Kiowa County Museum
- Kiowa County Museum
- Kirk's Old Farm Museum
- Knight Foundry Corp
- Knights Of Columbus Museum
- Kodiak Historical Society
- Kodiak Maritime Museum
- Korean American Museum Inc
- Koshare Indian Museum Inc
- Kreeger Museum
- L A County Museum Of Art
- L Ron Hubbard House
- L Ron Hubbard House
- L Ron Hubbard Life Exhibition
- LA County George C Page Museum
- LA Habra Children's Museum
- LA Habra Children's Museum
- LA Historia Society
- LA Mesa Historical Society
- LA Quinta Historical Society
- Lace House
- Lace Museum
- Lacy Black Rushing Museum
- Laguna Art Museum
- Laguna Art Museum
- Laguna Art Rental & Sales
- Laguna Art Rental & Sales
- Lake Arrowhead Children's Msm
- Lake Tahoe Museum
- Lakeside Historical Society
- Lakewood Heritage Ctr
- Landmark Park
- Lassen Historical Museum
- Last Chance Mining Museum
- Latino Museum Of History Art
- Laurel Historical Society Inc
- Lawrence Hall Of Science
- Laws Railroad Museum
- Laws Railroad Museum
- LBFC Museum
- Lebanon Historical Society
- Leffingwell House Historic Msm
- Legion Of Honor
- Legion Of Valor Museum
- Leonis Adobe Museum
- Lewes Historical Society
- Liberty Bell Museum
- Liberty Bell Museum
- Lighthouse Museum Stonington
- Lillian & Albert Small Museum
- Limon Heritage Museum
- Limon Heritage Museum
- Lincoln Classic Car Museum
- Lincoln Memorial Shrine
- Lindsay Wildlife Museum
- Litchfield Historical Society
- Little Rock Museum-Discovery
- Littleton Historical Museum
- Littleton Museum
- Lock Museum Of America
- Lockwood-Mathews Mansion
- Log Cabin Heritage Museum
- Log Cabin Heritage Museum
- Logan County Museum