- Jacobs Center For Non Profit
- Jailhouse Project/Young Life
- James H Penick Boys & Girls
- James P Beckwourth Outdoor Ed
- Jamestown Community Ctr
- JBA Sports
- JBA Sports
- JCCSF Club 18 Teen Program
- Jefferson Co Junior Baseball
- Jeffrey Boys & Girls Club
- Jemison Dixie Youth
- Jennifer Claire Moore Fndtn
- JES & Co
- Jesus Is The Rock Records
- Jewish Life Ctr Of Simi Valley
- Jewish Youth For Comm Action
- Jim Conner Youth Ctr
- Jobs For Youth
- Joel's Place
- John Jumbo Teen Ctr
- John Mendez Memorial Youth Ctr
- Joseph Matteucci Foundation
- Jr ROTC Program
- Jubilee Consortium
- Jump Ball Inc
- Jump Prep
- Jump Start
- Juneau Youth Football League
- Junior Achievement
- Junior Achievement
- Junior Achievement
- Junior Achievement Inc
- Junior Achievement Of Arizona
- Junior Achievement Of Arizona
- Junior Achievement-Bakersfield
- Junior Achievement-Bay Area
- Junior Achievement-Northern Al
- Junior Achievement-Pueblo
- Junior Achievement-San Joaquin
- Junior Deputy Sheriffs-Pulaski
- Junior Lifeguards
- Junior Lifeguards
- Junior Service League Of Nw Ar
- Junior State Of America
- Junior Statesmen Foundation
- Junior Statesmen Foundation
- Jurupa American Little League
- Jurupa American Little League
- Justact Youth Action-Global
- Juveniles At Risk
- K Life
- K-Life Ministry
- Kairo's Youth Choir
- Kairos Youth Choir
- Kalifornia Youth Glass & Wndws
- Kalifornia Youth Glass & Wndws
- Kare Youth League
- Katmai Boys & Girls Club
- Kawerak INC-Yog Program
- Keely's District Boxing & Yth
- Keep Youth Doing Something
- Ken Jewish Community
- Kenai Little League
- Kenai Peninsula Hockey Assoc
- Kenai Peninsula Youth Court
- Kenai Peninsula Youth Court
- KERN River Valley Youth Ctr
- Ketchikan Regional Youth
- Ketchikan Youth Court
- Keystone Education & Youth Svc
- Khmer Girls In Action
- Kid's Golf & Beyond
- Kid's Golf & Beyond
- Kid's Place
- Kid's Place
- Kids Computer Workshop Inc
- Kids In Sports
- Kidz Ark Inc
- Kieckhefer Boys & Girls Club
- Kieckhefer Boys & Girls Club
- King Conference Inc
- Kiwanis Youth Park Scout Troup
- Kiwanis Youth Park Scout Troup
- Kodiak Youth Svc Ctr
- Korean Youth Art Exchange Assn
- Korean Youth Ctr
- Koyasan Boy Scouts Troop 379
- Kulick Youth Opportunities
- Kumeyaay Indian Institute
- Kwethluk Organized Village
- L A Conservation Corps
- L A Youth At Work
- L A Youth Network
- L A Youth Network Admin
- L A Youth Newspaper
- L R Jackson Girls Club
- LA Causa Youth Build
- LA Gente Youth Sports
- LA Jolla Youth Baseball
- LA Mesa National Little League
- LA Plata Youth Svc
- LA Plata Youth Svc
- LA Quinta Clubhouse
- LA Sierra Little League
- LA Youth Supportive
- Ladera Little League
- Lads To Leaders
- Lafayette County Youth Svc
- Laguna Beach Little League
- Laguna Beach Little League
- Laguna Club For Kids
- Laguna Club For Kids
- Lake Murray Little League
- Lakeside Little League
- Lakeside National Little
- Land Park Pacific Little Legue
- Larkin Street Youth Svc
- Larkin Street Youth Svc
- Latin American Youth
- Latin American Youth Ctr
- Latino Children's Fund
- Laura Hall ASPIRE
- Laura Hall ASPIRE
- Laurel Little League
- Lavender Youth Recreation
- Laverne Griffin Youth R
- Lead Inc
- Leadership Excellence
- Leadership Works
- Leadership Workshops Fndtn
- Leadership Workshops Fndtn
- Learning For Life
- Ledyard Youth League
- Ledyard Youth League
- Lee County Youth Dev Ctr
- Lee County Youth Development
- Lee Ettie Youth
- Lemoore Youth Sports Fndtn
- Les Crane Youth Ctr
- Life Beyond Youth Project
- Life On Purpose Lop
- Life Pieces To Masterpieces
- Life Studios
- Life Studios
- Life Teen Camp
- Life-Savers Ministries Inc
- Lighthouse On The Hill
- Lillies-The Vly Youth Facility
- Lincoln Youth Svc Ctr
- Little League
- Little League Baseball
- Little League District 59
- Little League Field House
- Little League Of East Hampton
- Little League Of Palo Alto
- Little League Of Sherrellwood
- Little League Of W Anchorage
- Little League-Fairfield Amer
- Little Rock Boys & Girls Club
- Live Oak Little League
- Lodi Boys' & Girls' Club Inc
- Lompoc Valley Community Youth
- Long Beach Little League El
- Longhorn Pavillion Social Actv
- Longmont Youth Ctr
- Lord's Gym
- Los Alamitos Youth Baseball
- Los Alamitos Youth Baseball
- Los Angeles Jets Track Club
- Los Angeles Youth Supportive
- Los Banos Police Activities
- Los Banos Youth Football
- Los Padrinos-Southern Ca
- Love & Respect Youth Fndtn
- Lovelife Foundation
- Low Born Youth Productions
- Lowe Teen Shelter
- Lpga Urban Youth Golf Program
- Luckie Waller Little League
- M & M Youth Mentor Academy
- M & M Youth Mentor Academy
- Macsa All Capital
- Macsa Intervention Ctr
- MACSA Youth Ctr
- MACSA-Adult Day Care Ctr
- MACSA-Mexican American
- Maidu Little League
- Malibu Foundation For Youth
- Manchester Little League
- Manny Mota Intl Foundation
- March Community Ctr
- Marilyn Adler Child Adolescent
- Marin Interfaith Youth Outrch
- Mariposa County Little League
- Mariposa Youth Ayso Soccer
- Mariposa Youth Football
- Marriah Youth Programs
- Martin Luther King Jr Freedom
- Martinez Youth Baseball Assn
- Marysville Little Leauge
- Marysville Youth & Civic Ctr
- Maywood Girl Scout Ctr
- Mc Adory Dixie Youth Inc
- Mc Adory Dixie Youth Inc
- Mc Cabe Waters Little League
- Mc Clellan Little League
- Mc Givney Community Ctr
- Mc Intosh Community Ctr
- Men's Senior Baseball League
- Mentoring A Touch From Above
- Mentorkids USA
- Mercy Housing
- Mesa Southern Little League
- Metro Teen Aids Youth Cltn
- Metropolitan Little League
- MID Delta Community Svc
- Middlesex Youth Hockey
- Middletown Youth Ctr-Yfc
- Midway Little League
- Mifflin Meadows
- Mile High Youth Corps
- Milford Little League
- Milford Little League Inc
- Milhous Children's Svc
- Military Community Youth
- Mill Valley Scout Hall
- Mills Little League
- Millsboro Little League
- Ministerial Brotherhood Mini
- Minton Village Council Tribal
- Mira Mesa Girl Softball
- Mission Bay Youth Water Sport
- Mission Dignity
- Mission Dignity
- Mission Girls Svc
- Miyo Teen Ctr
- Monroe Little League
- Monrovia Youth Baseball League
- Monrovia Youth Baseball League
- Montalvo Little League
- Montebello AYF
- Montello Community Youth Otrch
- Monterey Park Heat
- Monument Little League
- Morada Little League Inc
- Moreland Little League
- Morris Stulsaft Foundation
- Morris Youth Assn
- Mot Little League
- Mothers Against Gangs
- Motivating Our Students
- Mount Eden National Little
- Mountain Area Youth Soccer Lg
- Mountain Area Youth Soccer Lg
- Mountain Community Boys & Girl
- Mountain Community Boys & Girl
- Mountain Meadows Conference
- Mountain Ranch Youth Alliance
- Mountain Ranch Youth Alliance
- Mountain Trails Camp
- Mountain View Los Altos Girls
- Mountain Youth Baseball
- Moyer & Moyer
- Mt Baldy Conference Football
- Muldoon Community Ctr Boys
- Multi-County Youth Svc Inc
- Murphy Canyon Little League
- Murrieta Youth Soccer
- Music For Young Children
- Muslim Youth Group
- Muslim Youth Group
- Mvs Youth Ctr
- My Gym Children's Fitness Ctr
- My Gym Children's Fitness Ctr
- NAACP Western Region Youth
- NAP Program
- Napalese Youth Opportunity
- Napalese Youth Opportunity
- National Academic Youth Corps
- National Coalition Pros Agnst
- National Council-Negro Women
- National Football League Youth
- National Network For Youth
- National Youth Advocacy
- National Youth Advocate
- National Youth Leadership
- National Youth Leadership Frm
- National Youth Leadership Frm
- National Youth Sports
- National Youth Sports
- National Youth Sports
- NAZ Sports
- Nehemiah Commission
- Neighborhood Bible Time
- Neighborhood Bridges
- Neighborhood Urban Fam Ctr
- Neighbors Empowering Youth